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Willy and Y/n had been planning their wedding for a while now. They planned on having it outside the factory, and somewhere, where they wouldn't have to be anywhere near the said factory. 

The only thing that saddened them was the fact their family was very small. Charlie and his family, Y/n's brother, Richard, Mr Wilbur Wonka, and of course, the Oompa Loompas had to be present too. It was going to be the happiest day of their lives, or so they thought. 

In her office, Violet's mother scoffed, "Pathetic. That bratty sister-in-law of mine thinks she'll get it all if she marries the Wonka guy? Hah, she's got another thing coming for her." she smirked to herself, her own minions entering the room. 

"Mrs Beauregarde, everything is ready." said one of them men. "Very good." she said, and with that, they left the office. Scarlett was watching through the cameras and on computers and TV screens the images of Y/n and Willy, they looked more than just happy... they looked... in love. 

And she was having none of that bullshit.

Meanwhile, Richard, Violet and Y/n were out, shopping for the final decorations for the wedding ceremony. 

Violet was actually really happy to help out her aunt with the preparations, she was promised to be the flower girl at the wedding, while Charlie would be the ring boy. 

Y/n was pretty excited, and it was more than visible on her face, so much so that she was caught by the paparazzi, and they begged for some special images of where she was going and an interview. 

"Hello, Miss L/n! We are here on behalf of the Daily Globe, and we have heard rumours that you and Willy Wonka are getting married! Can you confirm or deny these rumours?" asked the man with glasses, seeming quite strange as a character. 

"I'm sorry, but I am unable to give out any information about our wedding at this time. It is a private affair, and we prefer to keep it that way." Y/n said with a smile as she continued to walk down the street. 

"Oh come on, just a few details. Where is the wedding taking place? Who is designing the dress? Any celebrity guests?"

"I'm sorry, but I really can't share any details with you. I hope you understand," she said again, the man and other people seemed to be persistent on getting details from Y/n, but she tried to be understanding as they continued to talk. 

"Well, can you at least tell us if we will be invited to the wedding? Our readers would love to see pictures of the event." said one man, she looked and saw a young man who looked familiar, she wondered where she had seen him. 

"I can tell you that all the necessary media outlets and publications will be invited to the wedding. I'm sure you will receive an invitation if your outlet is on the list."

The young man seemed to brighten up as she smiled at him, "Thank you so much for your time, Ms L/n. We can't wait to see all the details of the big day." said the young man, causing Y/n to sigh sadly. 

"You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Have a good day." she said, finally making her way to the next store to order more decorations for the wedding, having some bags in her hands. 

Although she wanted to happily tell them what she was doing and where she was going, it turned out Richard didn't want the paparazzi anywhere near Y/n or Violet, just because he knew what the media tended to be like. 

Once they were out of the reach of the paparazzi, Y/n brought them to one flower shop she went to when her brother was getting married. They entered and inside was a lovely lady who knew Y/n oh too well. "Ah! If it isn't the little chocolate girl?" 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now