★彡 24 彡★

537 21 1


Ending song: Keep Me Up BY: B.I


I groaned as fingers dragged up my side. I snuggled into my pillow more. A chill ran down my spine when the fingers slipped under my oversized tee. 

I looked up to see Jk hovering over me.

Me: Bunny....

i said while rubbing my eye

He smiled pushing his nose down on mine. I had started calling him bunny randomly in the begging of the summer. When i noticed he'd space out when I would talk to him and slowly walk around me in circles. 

His hand landed on my thigh nocking me out of my thoughts and he slowly rubbed it before squeezing my waist.

Jungkook was a very handsy guy. It got worse when school let out because then he had no reason to be appropriate with the way he groped me. We hung out 24/7 and we all took shifts at my moms shop so we all make enough money to go out and spend time together. So far we've made some really good memories this summer. I can't want to see how our friendship evolves going back into the next school year.

Me: Do we have a shift today?

I asked leaning up and looking around his room. I had started my period almost a week ago and normally when its that time of the month he forces me to stay at his for the week. Since Im not fully hybrid and only half. I don't actually go through heat. But he does and he said my period triggers his. 

So he feels more comfortable when I'm near him. That way he can "Protect" me. Last night we stayed up all night making a little nest. He kept raving about it should be perfect. He's really adorable.

Jk: No, no shifts for me and you today. But i wanted you to wake up so we can spend time together.

I reached under the pillow grabbing my phone. 

Me: I thinkI'm supposed to go shopping with Sumin, and Mingsu today

Pouting he wrapped his arms around me gripping me tightly.

Jk: But i wanted to take baby Jeon to the park today

Oh yea

Baby Jeon is a Bunny plushie we got. During my last period his hybrid side practically went into overdrive and he became very over barring.

I know it wasn't his fault though. 

I groaned rolling onto my stomach. 

Me: Honestly I might just cancel and sleep all day im tired. I should go home so I can clean my room. I haven't done that in a while

I went to sit up but he tackled me back down. 

Jk: Nooooooo baby stay please

He said aggressively rubbing his head all in my neck

Me: Jk my period ends today. I think you'll be fine. Plus i really don't need protection you know im capable of handling myself. 

I said trying to push his neck away. 

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