IN WHICH Eleanor Ortiz-Toretto moves to outerbanks after leaving her family behind in LA. Apparently, it's paradise on earth and that's exactly what she needed.
{Season 1 - Season 4}
Most Impressive Rankings:
#2 in outerbanks - 5/3/23
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"Why would you touch the fucking gun?!" Eleanor yelled quietly at JJ as the two boys stood up after looking inside the safe.
"JJ I swear to the god. Put the gun back!" John B spoke in a state of panic.
But JJ didn't listen as he then began playing with the gun and pretending to shoot at the walls. Eleanor groaned "Oh, fuck me" She mumbled.
"Well. .if you gave me a chance-" JJ was quickly cut off by the glare sent by John B.
"Like I said, we're not stealing anything!" John B pushed him backwards while the girl took the gun out of his hand.
"Hey, gimme that!" He said and took it back before she could protest "Just take a pic of me. Right here!"
"You want us to take a picture of you?" John B asked in disbelief.
"Oh yeah, JJ. Let's just make our own incriminating evidence" Eleanor said sarcastically "Are you fucking dumb? Actually don't answer that, just put the gun back for god sake"
JJ and John B then started to argue when Eleanor paused as she heard something hit the window "Shh!" She then looked through the blinds to see Kiara and Pope calling out and pointing "Cops! Cops!"
"Oh this is just the icing on top of the fucking cake!" Eleanor cursed "We've got cops"
"Shit!" John B panicked "What do we do?"
"Window" Eleanor whispered almost instantly "Out the window, let's go"
JJ, John B, and Eleanor were now standing on the window ledge while holding their breaths as Pope and Kie were looking at them like they were crazy.
John B had his arm wrapped around Eleanor's waist so she wouldn't fall even though she told him she was fine, it was more for his reassurance than hers.
And everything was going great until the gun JJ had stole fell out his pocket and landed in the bush below, causing a loud thud to be heard.
"I'm gonna kill you" Eleanor mouthed to JJ with a glare set on her face.
However, it seemed luck was on JJ's side as they weren't caught meaning he wasn't going to be killed by Eleanor. And so the teens waited for Pope and Kiara's signal to let them know that the cops had left before they climbed down the roof carefully.
"Well that was fun" JJ chuckled as the three got back onto the HMS pogue "Could've warned us a little sooner though"
"We would've but Pope was on the math team" Kiara glared at Pope.
"Hey, that's something to be proud of" Eleanor smiled at Pope as she nudged his shoulder playfully.
"At least someone appreciates my existence" Pope sent her a smile back.
"Wait, you were on the math team?"
"The cops took everything like it was a crime scene. Did you find anything?" Pope continued.
"Did we find anything? No, uh I don't think so-" JJ sarcastically replied and ripped out the gun and some money he had stolen from the safe "Oh yeah, we did"
Eleanor rolled her eyes while Pope started to freak out "Why would you take that from a crime scene! I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship because of you"
"Well it's better than those cops having it" JJ protested "Hey, hey, hey, shhhh" JJ slid one of his arms around Pope with the gun towards his face "At least you have us right"
Eleanor ignored him and sat down on the boat next to John B when her phone started ringing in her pocket "Deja vu or what" The girl referred to when she got a call from Letty after being chased out of a Kooks building by security on figure eight.
"Hey Leon" She greeted the man with a smile on her face even though he couldn't see her. He could always make her smile, ever since she was a little girl.
"Yeah, okay. I'll be down there" She sighed "I love you too, Leon"
"So?" JJ asked impatiently and just being his curious self.
"They found the guy that went missing and Leon wants us to get down there before they start questioning me because of my stupid record" Elenor ran her hand through her hair, something she did whenever she was stressed "Which by the way, isn't even that bad" She pointed out.
"I-you know what, I'm not even gonna ask what you did to get such a record" John B spoke as Eleanor smiled.
"Good answer, JB"
JJ grimaced at the sight of Scooters dead body while Eleanor just stared at it blankly "So he's like defiantly dead"
"No shit Sherlock" Eleanor retorted with a sarcastic smile on her face.
"Look at the pic I got!" One of the girls sitting with the crew by the dock said and pulled out her phone "Dead body"
"What kind of boat did he have?" JJ asked.
"Somehow that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady White. Everyone's out looking for it"
The crew all shared glances with each-other as Eleanor swore under her breath in Spanish knowing they were the ones who found the Grady White.