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It was the next morning now and John B was in the passenger seat of Eleanor's car as they drove to Kiara's dad's restaurant. Leon was already gone by the time the two teenagers had gotten out of bed so it had just been them two all morning.

"Hey guys" Eleanor said once the two had walked in and three Pogues greeted them with a group hug.

"Glad to see you're still intact John B" JJ said while ruffling his hair as John B swatted his hands away "So does this hurt?" He poked a finger at the cast on his arm.

"Glad to see your brain still isn't intact JJ now let's focus on why we're all really here" She sent him a sarcastic smile before placing the map down on the table.

JJ pointed down at the map after giving Eleanor the middle finger "It's all out of whack 'cause the guy was ganja'd when he drew it"

Kiara just looked at him dumbfounded "It's 'cause the coast has changed"

Pope nodded "So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed"

"What about the old forts?" John B continued.

"Battery Jasper!" Kiara said in realisation, pointing to the landmark on the map.

Eleanor smiled as she stood up from the table "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go" Eleanor had took her car and JJ insisted on riding with her while the rest of the Pogues followed behind in the Twinkie.

After pulling off onto the side of the road with John B parking behind her, they all got out and walked over to what was left of the fort which was just a few walls that were made of stone. Pope opened the map out on one of the walls "We're in Battery, right here" He pointed his finger at it "So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here"

"Over there?" JJ frowned "Guy's, that's not Tannyhill, that's a subdivision"

"Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island and then it got sold into smaller pieces over time" Eleanor corrected.

"So we're just looking for an old stone wall" Pope said and so the Pogues were back on the road and Eleanor and JJ were behind them this time since Pope had the map. It wasn't long before the Twinkie was coming to a stop outside what looked like an abandoned house that may collapse at any second. The cream paint on the side was all cracked and red coloured roof was all fading away and to finish it all off was the curtains draped over the window making it look like something you would see in a horror film.

"Not the Crain house" Eleanor heard John B mutter as she locked her car.

"Are you kidding me?" Kiara sighed as her eyes looked up at the house.

"Worst-case scenario" JJ added in.

Pope sighed "Why'd it have to be here of all places?"

"Why what's with the Crain house?" Eleanor asked, slightly intrigued by the scared looks on each of their faces.

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