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"El, wake up" The voice sounded like JJ as someone shook her slightly. She groaned opening her eyes to see JJ stood above her as she was laid across two chairs that had been pushed together. She couldn't help but smile when she saw Leon's grey suit jacket draped over her like a blanket.

"He's awake" He lead her down the hall to his room where John B laid weakly in the hospital bed. Pope and Kiara were in the cafeteria downstairs getting some food for everyone as John B looked up at the sound of someone entering the room.

"Hey" John B whispered as Eleanor rushed over to his bedside.

"Hi" She breathed out a sigh of relief that he was awake and okay.

"Well you lovebirds have fun" JJ smirked before shutting the door behind him. Eleanor chuckled with a shake of her head before looking back at John B.

"I can't believe Topper did this to you" She started, plopping down on the chair next to his bed "He's such a prick"

"Language" Eleanor jumped slightly at the voice of her uncle who just walked in unannounced "Jesus Leon, you could've give me a bloody heart attack"

"Well at least you're in the right place" He shrugged while Eleanor rolled her eyes "Hey John, you feeling all right?"

The boy nodded giving the man a smile "Yeah, I got lucky with just a concussion and broken wrist ey?" He joked, lifting up his arm with the cast slightly as Leon let out a laugh.

"You did indeed kid. Now, Eli here" He smiled, pointing at the girl "Told me everything. About the Merchant gold, you running from the DCS and how you stood in front of her in the tower"

Eleanor looked at John B with a reassuring smile while giving his hand a comforting squeeze "John, I already told you about how I grew up and how I was lucky to have Dom pull me out when he did. And you deserve to have that same chance so," He trailed off "I called Officer Peterkin to make the arrangements of me becoming your legal guardian. Well. . .that's if you'll have me, of course"

John B's eyes widened and his mouth fell open in complete shock. It took a few minutes for it all to settle in and for him to realise that it was actually real "Sure, yeah. Uh. . .that sounds perfect"

Leon nodded, sharing a smile with his niece "Okay, then, it's settled. Welcome to the family, John B"


After Leon signed John B out and the two said their goodbyes to the Pogues who they were seeing tomorrow to start scouting out the location of the gold. They then stopped at the chateau so John B could grab what he needed even though Leon was already very adamant that he was going to take the boy shopping once he was fit to do so. The last stop was the pharmacy to grab the medication he was prescribed for the concussion and the broken arm.

"Welcome home, kid" Leon spoke through the rear view mirror to the boy as they pulled into the driveway.

"So, this is your room" Eleanor took him up a flight of stairs and to the guest room that was just down the hall from her own.

"Woah" John B muttered in awe as he placed his bag down on the double bed{The pic is above}.

Eleanor let out a low chuckle "Not too bad huh?"

John B shook his head as he looked around "Not too bad at all"

"Oh and my room is just down the hall, in case you need anything" She then walked over to him as his hands rested comfortably on her waist. But yet again they were interrupted.

"Eleanor Ortiz-Toretto!" Leon came into the room with a smirk on his face "You've already broken the first rule. What is the first rule?"

She playfully rolled her eyes before replying "Stay out of each other's rooms" She recited while trying to sound more like Leon.

"First of all I don't sound like that" John B let out a low chuckle as Leon continued "And seriously, picture this as a boundary all right? This is like a minefield" He pointed to the doorway "You got that?"

"Yes sir" Eleanor stood up straight and saluted him.

Leon smiled and looked over at John B "Yes sir John B?"

"Uh, yes, sir" He stuttered as Eleanor smiled "Yeah"

"All right now Eli, could you give me a minute with our new house quest? I won't keep him long I promise"

"Okay but be nice please" She gave her uncle the same stern look that Dom used to use on him when he already got told no one to many times "You have my word"

Eleanor nodded, satisfied with the answer giving JB one last smile before walking out the room and down the hall to hers so she could finally get out of her dress.

"How you doing kiddo? How's the arm?" He asked with nothing but concern and love in his voice.

"It's alright but ya know, I've been better"

Leon nodded in understanding "Good, that's real good. Ya know you're lucky. It may not seem like it right now but fall any other way, you could've broke your back and your legs. I'd say you have a guardian angel watching over you"

"Yeah, I guess so" John B smiled as he instantly thought about his dad "Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up to DCS for me. It means a lot"

"Anytime, kiddo, anytime" He patted John B's shoulder before walking closer to the door "I also want to say thank you for standing in front of my niece up in the hawks nest. And I know she can handle herself and she's pretty good at it" Both men nodded as they smiled "But you still protected her and for that I thank you"

"But I will warn you. You break her heart, I'll break your neck. And that's just coming from me"

"That ain't gonna happen" Even though they weren't officially together, John B would never think about hurting the one girl he truly loved.

"Good, I hope it stays that way. Now I'm sure you're hungry so whenever you're ready just come downstairs all right? You live her now so don't feel like a stranger" John B nodded so Leon took that as his queue to leave so the boy could get settled and unpack.

My Purpose || John BWhere stories live. Discover now