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So you can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's kinda like a three-layer burrito. There's the pogues, their friends and the working-class derelicts from the cut. Then, there are the kooks, the rich second-homers who are mostly from poncey-ass boarding schools, just your normal, rich trustafarian posers. The pogues natural enemy.

And then, there are the Tourons who are totally clueless and are just there for a week on vacation with their families. Basically just chum for the sharks.

"Where those trees always there?" Asked a very tipsy Eleanor as she pointed to the woods to the right of the boneyard.

"Jeez Eleanor, how many beers have you had?" John B asked her.

"Erm-" Eleanor started to count on her fingers while squinting her eyes to try and concentrate "I don't know I keep losing count!"

John B went to open his mouth to say something but Kiara had beaten him to it "What's she doing here?" She groaned in disgust as John B and Eleanor looked over to where the kook princess was climbing on a post.

"Ooh who is she? She's so pretty" Eleanor blurted out and Kiara rolled her eyes.

"Sarah Cameron" John B told her "Kook princess"

"Kiara's best friend in the ninth grade and worst enemy in the tenth" Pope explained as Kiara glared at him.

"Oh" Eleanor understood now why Kiara had rolled her eyes when she called the blonde pretty "Sorry Kiara"

"No, it's fine Eleanor. Don't worry about it" Kiara gave her a small smile and the tipsy girl sent her one back.

"Hey Eleanor!" JJ shouted as he climbed over a log with two beers in his hand "Want another beer?"

"Well duh!" She said like it was obvious and he smiled handing her one once she met him half way.

"I also wanted to apologise for earlier, ya know me mentioning your parents and shit-" He started to ramble so Eleanor put her finger to his lips to shut him up.

"Shh, that's already forgotten about" She said before taking a huge sip of her beer "Now let's go have some fun, Maybank"


"Sarah!" JJ shouted over to the look, clearly drunk "Could I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?"

"No, thanks" She denied politely.

"Ohh, is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ teased.

"No we were just leaving" Sarah quickly defended herself before Topper joined in the conversation.

"Hey, you know what? I'll take it" Topper said "Thank you man, I appreciate it"

"That's cute but I didn't ask you" JJ replied and tried to give the drink to Sarah again. As the conversation started to gain some attention, John B and Eleanor walked over to the two.

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