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Eleanor awoke to the hand of John B's on her shoulder. The pounding ache of her gunshot wound hit her like a brick as she took a couple of deep breaths.

John B smiled sadly. He would forever feel guilty for what happened "Here" He handed her the medication she needed as she thanked him.

Tucking her hair behind her ears she saw they were pulling up to shore "Where are we?" Eleanor asked.

"Charleston" John B smiled "We made it" And unbeknownst to them, the pogues had just made it to Charleston too.

Anchoring them to the sand, Eleanor grabbed the two gas tanks and handed them over to John B who set them down on the beach.

Wincing with every step, Eleanor managed to lift herself on the edge of the boat and swing her legs over. John B reached his hands out to her "You ready?"

She nodded, giving John B the signal as one hand went around her thighs and the other on her back to lower her down onto the sand. She grabbed his arm to stabilise herself before she was able to walk but just with a limp.

He then picked the gas tanks back up and they were on there way "Hey, listen, we're gonna get some gas, find a phone, and get out of here, all right?"

"How we gonna pay for the gas?"

"Don't worry about it" John B assured her "We'll figure it out"

She nodded, they always figured it out. From the beach, the two walked down a concrete path where they came across a restaurant that was full of Kooks from Charleston. But she had to admit, the food looked amazing.

"That looks so good. I'm starving" John B said "We gotta get some food. Follow my lead"

"Okay" Following behind John B who was coming up behind a waiter serving a rich looking couple before purposely bumping into him. Hard enough to make the drinks on the tray spill all over the man and woman.

Eleanor gasped as the two stayed in character whilst she caught sight of the wallet.

"I am so sorry" John B apologised, pretending to be in shock of what he had just done.

"Oh my god. Your shoes!" Eleanor pretended to mourn the woman's shoes even though she probably has another fifty at home "I am so sorry!"

"This is a $1,700 jacket!" The angry man shouted at John B.

"A hundred percent on me. I'm sorry, I bumped into him"

"Is there anything I could do?" Eleanor said in a nice, sweet voice to the woman whilst quickly but smoothly grabbing the leather wallet off the table and shoving into her back pocket of her shorts.

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