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"So there's the cut and figure eight" John B began to tell Eleanor "And then you have the Pogues and the Kooks, and I'm guessing you already know the rest"

Eleanor nodded "Yeah I got it, I'm staying with a family friend here remember? Actually speaking of that, I need to get back to my car"

"Do you have to?" Kiara asked the girl "We were just gonna head to the chateau" Which Eleanor now knew as John B's house.

"I'd love to but I haven't seen Leon yet because he was out but in the message he sent me he should be back by now"

"Where does he live? We can take you there and then you can come back to the chateau with us" John B said to the girl.

Eleanor thought about it for a second before nodding "Alright fine. He lives on Figure Eight just one of the first houses on the right"

"Wait did you just say Figure Eight be-"

"Don't start with the Pogue and Kook bullshit JJ, alright, Leon worked hard for what he's got and he fucking deserves it too. Just because he lives on Figure Eight doesn't mean he's an entitled snob like the rest of them are"

And that left the five of them in silence as John B drove to where Leon lived but not before sending a smile Eleanor's way which she did not return.


"Leon!" Eleanor exclaimed, jumping out of John B's van and throwing her arms around Leon who was just getting out his car.

"Eli, god I fucking missed you" Leon smiled, hugging her back while placing a kiss to her forehead "I see you've made some new friends. That was quick"

Eleanor raised an eyebrow as she looked back at the Twinkie "Yeah, infuriating new friends" She muttered, referring to JJ.

"I heard that, Toretto" JJ yelled from the van and Eleanor gave him the middle finger in response.

Leon chuckled as he sent the Pogues a nod before checking his watch "Go hang out with them for a bit. Have fun, yeah?"

"You don't have to tell me twice" She turned to the Pogues "You guys wanna go for a surf?"

"Me and Pope are in, Eleanor" John B smiled and hard.

"You be careful alright? There's a hurricane coming in hard and ya know Dom and Letty will fucking kill me if you get hurt under my watch"

Eleanor smiled as she sent Leon a two-finger salute "Yes Sir"


"I know you guys think I'm not to be trusted" Eleanor spoke as her, Pope, and John B started the walk down to the beach.

"What?" Pope asked, utterly confused as John B.

"Well JJ defiantly hates me now he knows Leon lives on Figure Eight and Pope you seem like the freak out type. No offence" She paused as she blew some hair out her face from the heavy rain and the wind "So I get it if you guys don't wanna, ya know, get to know me" She mumbled the last part as she didn't like to put her feelings out there. A trait she'd got from both her parents.

John B looked at her and smiled "Well maybe we could initiate you into the Pogues, Toretto" 

Eleanor looked down smiling slightly but didn't say anything in response but to John B she didn't need to, her smile was all the answer he needed.

"Hey, those aren't surf-able waves guys!" Pope changed the subject and Eleanor was thankful for that as she smirked "Even better" Her and John B said at the same time.

Over the thunder and the rain all you could hear was the laughs that were coming from the three teenagers as they kept being thrown off balance by the waves.

Breathing heavily and being absolutely soaked while also partly not being able to see from all the rain and water in her eyes, Eleanor saw a boat off in the distance looking like it was floating but about to drown any second.

Eleanor glanced over at John B who was also looking at the boat "You seeing it too?" She had to raise her voice slightly so he could hear her over the storm.

He sent her a nod and the two just stared out to sea while Pope was still trying to stay on his board without getting thrown off.

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