IN WHICH Eleanor Ortiz-Toretto moves to outerbanks after leaving her family behind in LA. Apparently, it's paradise on earth and that's exactly what she needed.
{Season 1 - Season 4}
Most Impressive Rankings:
#2 in outerbanks - 5/3/23
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"So you found the gold, but under an axe murderer's house" Sarah clarified as John B drove them back to the chateau. Eleanor was sat sideways in the passenger seat as she explained everything to Sarah.
"The only thing is the well is super sketchy deep" John B told Sarah who nodded.
"Kinda wish I was with you guys"
"You'll be there for real tonight" Eleanor shrugged with a smile.
Sarah's eyebrows raised as she looked at her "Is it okay?"
John B looked at Eleanor for a second before nodding "Yeah, of course. We wouldn't have found the Merchant gold without the map you gave us, so I guess you're stuck with us now"
Sarah sighed "No, no. I mean. . .with the others"
"Yes, everything's fine" The brunette assured while Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Kiara said something, didn't she?" She asked, running a hand through her hair. Something she did when she was stressed or upset "Look, if she's gonna get territorial. . ."
"Hey, Sarah listen. You're a part of this too. You got us the Tannyhill map"
"Once we get with everybody, they're gonna be excited" John B put in his support but Sarah still wasn't buying it.
"No effing way!" Kiara's eyes went wide as she paced the front deck of the chateau "You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?"
Eleanor rolled her eyes with a sigh, leaning back into John B's chest as his arms circled around her waist "Told ya" She whispered.
"Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share" JJ shrugged.
"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing!" Kiara yelled, completely ignoring JJ's comment "A Pogue thing!"
"I'm not a Pogue" Eleanor felt the need to mention as Kiara looked at her and shrugged "Yeah but you're different. You're a Pogue at heart just like me now her on the other hand-"
"I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all this" Pope injected himself into the conversation.
"Thank you!"
John B groaned while resting his head on Eleanor's shoulder "When are you not?"
"I dunno" Pope mumbled "I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably"
"It's true" JJ nodded "Most relaxed I've ever seen him"
"That's cute, guys" John B gave them a sarcastic smile as JJ held up his hands in defence.
"You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her here"
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah yelled back as Kiara scoffed "Then leave!"
Sarah rolled her eyes, turning her head to look at John B and Eleanor "I told you guys"
"Told them what, exactly?" Kiara started to yell back "That you're a liar?"
Sarah turned back to lock eyes with the girl "No, that you're a shit-talking bitch"
"Oh, shit!" Pope said in shock as him and JJ started pulling cash out of their pockets.
"My money's on Kie"
The argument went on a for a few minutes until Eleanor finally snapped "Will everybody just shut the fuck up!"
"Kie, you are my best friend, right? And Sarah well, we couldn't of found the gold without her. She's not like her brother"
"Sorry what was all that talk about you using her for information?" Kiara crossed her arms "Get a map, cut her loose"
"You said you were using me?" Sarah looked at the two teenagers with a hurt look in her eyes but mostly Eleanor because she thought they had become close in the last couple days.
"Okay, come on" Eleanor stood up as she looked at Kie and Sarah "Let's just wrap this shit up-"
"Look, cut the bullshit, El. Okay, I liked you from the start and I respect you a great deal but if she's in, I'm out"
"Kie, you were the first girl friend I had when I got here and you expect me to choose? I'm sorry I can't!" Eleanor hated conflict with every bone in her body just like her dad.
"No you are gonna decide. I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?" Kie kept the tears at bay as she looked between Eleanor and Sarah.
"Both" Eleanor said after a few seconds as Kiara scoffed.
"Ooh" JJ whistled "Went for the Hail Mary" John B glared at him as Kiara stormed out the door and down to the docks.
It was silent for a moment when Sarah spoke up "It'll be cool, right?" She nodded, neither Eleanor or John B responded.
"I'm gonna leave. Gonna let y'all chat" She picked up her bag and stood up "You have my number El so let me know" She then walked out the same door.
"I'd just like to say, you both handled that beautifully" Eleanor flipped JJ off and walked into the chateau "JB, you have any coronas?"
"Yeah there's one in the fridge" John B came walking in with JJ while Pope went to talk to Kie as Eleanor took a sip of her beer.
"So what ya gonna do?" JJ asked while propping himself up on the counter.
"I don't know JJ" Eleanor sighed "I'm no good at this friendship stuff. I never had it back in LA with my family being who they are and everything but I was fine with it and I guess I just didn't realise how much our friendship really meant to her"
It was silent after that until Pope came walking in, catching the water bottle that John B threw at him "So?" Eleanor asked "How'd it go?"
"She's still pretty pissed at you both" Pope looked at her "Also says you're an idiot"
"It's a no brainer. You're picking Kie" JJ told them both while opening the fridge to grab a beer.
"I don't know JJ and that's why I'm gonna go, take some time to think which I think we all need to do" Eleanor told the three boys as she walked out of the kitchen with the beer bottle in her hand "I'll see you all later" She shouted before stepping out the house and onto the porch where she saw Kiara sitting on the edge of the dock, looking out onto the horizon. She sighed, taking another long swig of her drink as she made her way home.