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Right now, Kiara and Eleanor were doing some dress shopping on Figure Eight for midsummers that Kie was dragging her to.

"What about this one?" The curly haired girl pointed to a very nice purple dress but it wasn't Eleanor's style.

"It's so not me but it would look amazing on you Kie" She smiled.

Kiara looked at it for a second before taking the dress from the rack and held it up against herself "You think so?"

She nodded "Yeah it's perfect"

Kie shrugged, a smile present on her face "I guess I'll try it on then" She joked as the two girls laughed "Hey El, what about this dress for you?" She picked up a dark, blue high slit cross back dress{dress up above} that Eleanor couldn't take her eyes off of.

"And we have a winner, Kie you're a genius" So now that the two girls had there midsummer dresses, they went to some more shops and even had lunch together before Mike came and picked Kiara up.

Putting her bags in her car she was just about to get in the drivers seat when she heard a chain rattle and groan like someone had hit the ground. It was a boy falling off his bike and that's when she realised it was John B.

"Did you just yeet over that chain?" Eleanor asked, rushing over to him as people started to stop what they were doing and stare at him instead "Holy shit, your shirt" She pointed out his shirt that now had blood all over it. Lifting it up slightly, she saw the upcoming bruise and the small gash he had from the fall "Yeah we need to get that cleaned like right now"

John B went to open his mouth to reply before the voice of really pretty blonde girl, who Eleanor swore she had seen before, came running over with a panicked look on her face "John B? I thought it was you, are you okay?" And that's when Sarah saw the girl kneeled down next to him "Oh hi"

"Hey, your Sarah right? Sarah Cameron from the boneyard? I'm Eleanor, it's nice to properly meet you" The blonde nodded with a polite smile.

"Yeah I remember you. It's nice to meet you too" Now that the formalities were out of the way Sarah looked back at John B "So what happened to the fugitive over here?"

"Fell off his bike like the idiot he is" Eleanor joked as she helped him up so people would stop staring knowing he was mostly okay "He needs this cut sorted out though"

"Take me to the hospital" John B quickly said while his eyes darted around the car park in panic like he was looking for someone.

"What like right now?" Eleanor asked, her eyebrows furrowed knowing he didn't need to go to the hospital "When I said it needed sorted I didn't mean stitches. I don't think you need a doctor for this"

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