Don't Listen to Them

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I found myself in my mind again. Once again Feral was nowhere to be found but he was probably looking around at something new that popped up. I walked over to Grian who was staring at the ground.

"Hey, Gri. What are you looking at?"
"O-oh nothing..."
"Well, I'm here now I guess. I fell asleep under Iskalls tree... You don't know about Iskall do you?"
"Yeah, I know about Iskall... Braids said they were still there but...I don't really know... They said something about their body not being able to hold them anymore or something and that's why they are a tree? I didn't really understand them..."
"I- They might be right..."
"What do you mean?"
"Iskall might still be alive in there. T-the trees alive Gri..."


"I don't think Iskalls dead."
"Then how would they be alive? They're a tree for crying out loud!"
"I know Gri! I-I know... It's just the tree acts as if it can hear and see me. It shows sympathy with its vines and it tries to hug me with them... I feel like that's something only Iskall would do..."
"Y-yeah it does seem like them..."

I looked down at my hands to find that they weren't robotic-like out in the real world but instead like my old claw hands.

"My hands... I thought everything in here was supposed to change depending on the outside world? Maybe it doesn't anymore I honestly don't know..."
"What about your hands? Did something happen to them outside of here?"
"Y-yeah...T-they were hit by not you and started falling to d-dust... So I built myself mechanical hands... I was just wondering why they weren't here..."

"I mean if you think about it they look a bit dead, or at least what's left of em under the arm. So if they were dead I'm guessing that means they weren't brought in here and the old hands are here instead."
"O-oh Hi Feral..."
"Hi, Gri!"

I looked behind me where Feral's voice was coming from. He was standing a few feet away from us.

"Where have you been? I didn't see you when I came in."
"Oh, I found Xantho. Although he doesn't look like he usually would."

Feral brought out Xan from behind his back and Xan in fact didn't look the same. His legs, arms, and his ears were completely fluffy. He also was wearing a white mask.

"H-hi guys..."
"What happened Xan!?!"
"They got me I guess. I'm injured from a fall and my mask is no longer broken... I guess I'm done for G.....I guess I'll see you there...

Xan disappeared before anyone could ask what was happening.

"I'm not getting out of here am I... I probably won't be coming back..."
"W-what do you mean?"
"He means he's coming back home with us and is never coming back."
"Braids! What are you doing here?!?"
"I overheard your conversation little one. You shouldn't be talking such lies~"

They said the words with such malice that it was hard not to flinch and try to back away from them.

"Why would Gri be lying?"
"Your friend is not alive, he is rather dead in fact. Buried under that tree, his soul is trapped. You buried him, trapped him."
"Mumbo don't listen to them. All they ever say are lies."
"But how do I know you're not lying? I'm not saying you're lying it's just you keep secrets from everyone..."
"Exactly. How could he be telling the truth when all he's been doing for the past season, is running from his past?"
"Well, That's the reason we're all here."
"That's the reason every single hermit is here. Hermitcraft is a place to run away from your life before this. Even if everything seems fine someone might have unforeseen circumstances that need them to run away to someplace safe. Hermitcraft is that safe place. Hermitcraft is where you can go to forget your past."
"All he's done is lie to you. You're okay with that?"
"Everyone keeps secrets. Even I do. Most newer people don't know about my past outside of the server. Only a small amount of people know."
"But he's lying to you! He doesn't love you! He doesn't think of you as a friend! He hates everyone here! He's only pretending to be friends with you all! And you think he loves you!"
"That's a lie and you know it!"

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