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-May 13-

Everything hurts. It hurts to breathe, to walk, to stand. Everything hurts. The bark is almost covering my whole body. It's really hard to move which is making writing this a pain. Some people have noticed but ever since then, I've been staying in bed either sleeping, taking up hours trying to write this, or reading. I've seen Grian outside but his hair is all this very light pinkish almost white color, his wings are darker and the white fluff that used to be on them are black, his horns are still white but the tips were lighter, his tail was the same just one part of it was black. I also noticed when I saw him that he was wearing his old vest and shirt, which I thought he thought they were uncomfortable. His ears also looked like they were fluffy now and were the colors of his wings. I also saw Xanthos the other day and they seemed to be in pain. I had gone over to them and asked them what was wrong. I think they noticed me being in pain though. They said that their legs had been in pain recently and they had grown a few tufts of fur here and there. Then they asked me why I was in pain. They're the only one I've told about what condition I'm in. When they heard my answer they immediately took something out of their inventory and looked through it. It was some sort of book of magic. While they were looking through it I was trying to see what they were reading and accidentally fell over. It took a while, and a lot of pain, but I eventually got back up. They tried doing something which apparently failed. They said something and then left. I went back inside here to write this. You know what I'm going outside again. I've spent about 3 hours trying to write this so I think I'll go outside.



I put my book down and slowly got up. I felt the patch of bark on my face and felt a small vine that had started to grow. I slowly went over to the door trying to open it. It swung open as Mumbo pulled it open from the other side.

"H-hi M-mum-bo..."

"Iskall! What happened?!? I was only gone for about a week or two!"

"What the hell does Rosetree mean?!?"

"H-heh... I-its the d-dise-ease I h-have..."
"Didn't Scar already treat you?!?"
"I-i do-n't k-know..."

I fell to my knees as the pain got worse. I could feel the bark moving across my skin. It was hard to breathe. Everything hurt. I held my chest in pain as I tried to get up.

"Don't move! I'll help you!"

"M-mumb-bo i-it's o-okay...I-i can h-han-dle t-thi-this..."
"No, you can't! You know that! Hold on I might have something at my base!"

Mumbo picked me up bridal style and flew off to his base. He flew down to his newly made storage system and started rummaging around for stuff.

"M-m-mum-b-bo... c-can g-go o-out-s-side..."
"No Iskall I need to find something to help you!"


"N-no I cant! I need to help you!"


Mumbo turned to look at me and I saw that he was crying. He picked me up again and brought me to the topmost layer of his base. He sat over at the edge of the layer and put me next to him. I watched as the bark covered my eyes making everything go black. I slowly fell towards Mumbo and was on his shoulder. With the last of my strength, I said one last goodbye.

"G-go-odb-bye M-mum-m-b-bo..."


"W-who s-said y-you w-were a-alo-one..."

I could feel Mumbo crying over me. Is this what dying feels like? Am I dead?

I heard Mumbo walked over to someplace and start digging. I could hear him sobbing from here. I picked me up and laid me in what I presume was a hole. I didn't know if I was dead. Maybe I was.


I slowly covered Iskall with dirt and put some grass seed at the top with bone meal. I sat back down at the edge and looked out over the sunset. Sure it was beautiful but It doesn't matter unless there was someone else here to see it and nobody was here.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something sprout from the ground. I turned to look at it and sat that it was a small sapling that was light green and cyan colored. I found one of my watering cans and watered the small sapling. I watched as it grew little by little until it was just a small tree. I sat beside it on the ground. I felt something wrap around my leg and looked down to see a small vine coming from the tree. It looked exactly like Iskalls...

I picked the small vine up and put it back on the tree so I could get up without hurting the poor thing. Maybe Iskall was still couldn't be, this is just the tree that came from him. I walked away slowly and glided down to the bottom layer of my base. I laid in the bed that was in my storage system and slowly closed my eyes. I hoped nothing else bad happened. I didn't want anything else bad to happen...

Word count - 971

Welp this came a bit earlier than I thought it would. Yep, that's right, I've had Iskalls death planned out for a bit. Although do we really know if he's dead? (:
Have a good day/night anyone who is reading this now ima publish it on the same day Ive published another chapter :D

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