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It took only a couple of weeks to get to the woodland mansion. I set up a small base outside and left anything threatening there, the only thing I took was my pic. I decided to go to the 3rd floor as every floor had a library on it and this would be the least difficult to find.

When I found the library I started looking for books labeled with anything about curses, diseases, and magic, When I found the books I was looking for almost all of them were on the top shelf, so I forgot that I had wings and hacked away at the wall of the mansion to get blocks to stack up with. Once I had them I was putting them away when I felt a sharp pain in my back. I turned around to find illigers lots of illigers, that wasn't even the worst part, it was so rare and deadly,

An illusioner.

These illigers must be doing very dark magic as illusioners could only be summoned in. I tried to get away but I forgot that illusioners have bows and pretty soon I had 5 arrows in my wings preventing me from flying, then I heard a potion being thrown and hitting the floor. I could feel the potion seeping into my vision making me blind while the illigers were chasing me somewhere, all I knew was that I went down a few flights of stairs and started running again before I could figure what was happening.

Then, I felt the familiarity of a bed, hoping that I had respawned I tried to open my eyes but I realized they were already open, I was still blind in the woodland mansion. They lured me to a bed so I would respawn in the woodland mansion and so they could do all sorts of experiments on me or whatever they wanted.

When I finally died and respawned I was in a 3 by 3 cage with some type of obsidian-bedrock bars, I just hoped that I would be able to escape, it was so small in here. The illusioner came in talking something in its language and preceded to cast some sort of spell or curse on me.

Then, I noticed my arms were slowly forming little black and grey spots on them seeming to cause a withering like effect. Over the next few weeks, they proceeded to do all sorts of experiments on me, like when they tested a potion, that I presume was supposed to numb the person, on me and proceed to cut off my wings, it hurt like hell. Other than that, they found great pleasure in watching me suffer and did numerous things to me for what I presume is their way of having fun.

|Time skip - 2-3 days later|

Once the illusioner was done with me for the day they forgot to lock the door. I quickly went to the door, even though I was about to respawn, and checked to see if I had just seen it or if it was unlocked.

It was.

I waited to respawn seeing my wings would respawn with me and then I quietly went outside of the room I was in and made my way up to the library. Once I was there I picked my pic, as it hadn't been moved, and picked up my ender chest not forgetting how loud it was,

and ran.

I ran until the illigers saw me and sent something flying after me, something that looked like a vex but was black and had red glowing eyes. I couldn't outrun them so I took off with my wings, terrified.

Sometimes I could stop for a break and rest for an hour before they would catch up to me and I would be forced to flee, other times I couldn't stop even if my wings were tired as they would be right on my tail. This went on for about four weeks, at this point I was terrified thinking they were going to catch up at any moment so I often went a couple of days without sleep.

I could see the edge of a cliff in the far distant. I was so close when one of them shot me,

I started falling

I was so tired it was almost relaxing...


I slipped away into blackness as something caught me falling out of the sky.

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