Flowers for Gri

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I was working on my new Redstone machine trying to get the water to flow away from the Redstone. When I was getting the last couple of pieces in, I accidentally moved the water flow into the red stone, causing it to shock me[somehow my mind managed to combine logic and Minecraft]and spew out all the Redstone. I'm such a spoon not watching where the water was. I thought nothing else of it and decided to go to bed and finish it in the morning.

|Time skip - next day|

When I woke up I noticed a red spot under my sleeve, so I pulled it up and saw a reddish-pink spot that looked like a rash. I thought it might have been an allergic reaction from being shocked yesterday. I decided that I was going to ignore it for the rest of the day and hope it was gone tomorrow or someday after.

|Time skip - same day|

I was looking around the shopping district to get Grian a present, specifically flowers. I was looking to see if there was a flower shop or gardening shop when I saw Grian. He was floating in the ocean on a little boat and it looked like he was going some wear, but he wasn't wearing his elytra which I thought was strange since he doesn't go any wear without them. (Maybe they just broke)I left that part of the shopping district to go see if there were any flower shops over on the other side. [he still didn't find any flower shops or anything]

|Time skip - 2-3 mins|

When I came back over to where Grian was he was closer to the shore, it looked like he had stuff packed in shulkers like he was going somewhere so I went to him to ask what he was doing. "Hey, Gri!" "A-AH! o-oh Mumby, I di-didn't know you were there!" "Gri? Is something wrong?" "w-what! N-no why would y-you think that?!" "Cause your stuttering and you usually don't stutter unless you're trying to hide something Grian." "Why w-would I h-hide something from y-you?!"

I sighed. "Grian you always try to hide your insecurities from us, especially me. I know you don't like to talk about what's bothering you but I at least want you to go home and sleep some - I mean LOOK AT YOU, you look like you haven't slept for the last three days!!"



"Alright ya big spoon I'll go get some rest."

Grian pecked me on the check and rowed off to the shore. I watched him go through the nether portal to get home, I hope that he gets home safely.

[If anyone who was reading this doesn't know it has shipping and doesn't like shipping please leave as this contains a lot of shipping and I mean A LOT. please and thank you.]

|Time skip - 3 days|

I sent a message through Grians messaging system telling him I'm going to come over in about 20 mins. I was going to head over to Grians hobbit hole as he had not come out for about three days, which concerned a lot of the hermits. I specifically said 20 minutes so I could go to the shopping District and get him flowers for if he wasn't feeling well.

|Shopping District|

When I arrived at the shopping district I went over to Scar's terraforming and plants shop to see if he had any  Peach Foxglove, which was Grians all-time favorite flower and variation of the flower. Lucky for me he had just grown a new batch of flowers to put up for sale. He asked me why I was there and I told him that I was getting flowers for Grian cause I was visiting him. He gave me his last batch of Grians favorite telling me to tell him, that the flowers were gifted from all the hermits cause they all missed him and wanted to see him again. I thanked him and told Scar that I would make sure to tell Grian. I looked at my communicator and saw that my chat with Scar had taken a little longer than anticipated so I headed straight back.

|Mumbo's hobbit hole|

When I got back I went straight for my messaging system as it would take at least 4-5 minutes to get there. When I got there it still looked as though he hadn't slept which worried me, what also worried me was the fact that he wasn't wearing his elytra which was odd considering he never went anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE, without them.

"O-Oh he-hey Mumby!" "Hi Gri!"


"s-so what brings y-you he-here?!" I noticed that he was stuttering and was sort of panicky, which was never good. "I just came over to see how you were doing cause non of the hermits have seen you at all for at least 3 days. I also came to give you some flowers!"

"M-Mumby you didn't have t-to bring the flowers!"

"Well there not just from me, Scar told me to tell you that all the hermits missed you and wanted to know if you were okay so I brought your favorite!" I saw him relax a bit knowing all the hermits cared for him, which in turn made me happy. I hugged him because of how stressed he looked and he immediately melted into my arms. I noticed how he seemed to be extremely hot. I moved a bit to sit down on one of the couches and took his temperature, And sure enough, he seemed to be burning up. I quickly set him down on the couch and went to get a wet cloth so I could cool him down when I returned he asked he why I had a cloth in my hand and a bowl filled witch water.

"Well, you seem to have a fever so I was getting something to cool you down with." "I-iI don't feel h-hot I feel really c-cold" "Well would you like a blanket or....."


"Mumby come over here"


"O-okay Gri" Grian proceeded to pull me down onto the couch and snuggle me as I had been warm from hugging him, I eventually gave in and laid there snuggling with him. I keep noticing how after what happened last season he started purring like a cat whenever he was happy which was adorable.

welp, that's it for chapter 4 before I even wrote chapter 2 I already wrote chapters 4 & 6 which both this one and the other are entirely Mumbo's POV.

word count: 1124

See ya next chapter ^-^

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