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I give you a warning to not watch this if you don't want spoilers and a lot of foreshadowing. Also, I made this at like 12 at night. Otherwise have a good day/night :D


I and Xan were looking through the nether for Mumbo when we saw him come out a portal across from us. We hurriedly flew after him, me with my wings and Xan with their watcher wings.

Mumbo looked back at us several times. He looked scared and wouldn't slow down no matter how much I called for him to stop. He went through a random portal that I believe was somewhere near the shopping district. I looked back and saw that Xan was nowhere in sight. I waited and they finally came around the corner. They said that they got caught up trying to kill a ghast that kept attacking us.

We went through the portal just in time to see Mumbo fly off. He was wearing elytra and judging by the way it looked, it seemed he had forgotten to check the durability. I quickly followed him.

We made our way to the edge of the island we were flying over and I saw him hesitantly look back and then forward again. I watched as he flew out over the water. I and Xan quickly followed behind him trying to reach him. Each time we tried to get close to him he would propel himself with a firework.

It looked like he had finally run out of fireworks. He looked back at us in horror as we slowly got closer to him.

Then he started falling.


I dove down towards him.

He fell into the water.

I dove into the water and tried to reach him. It seemed like he had just given up. I finally pulled him up with the help of Xan who picked up Mumbo and was carrying him. We quickly flew back to Scars village.


I looked down to see Scar below us. I and Xan dove down and landed in front of Scar, startling him.

"There's something wrong with Mumby and when we were chasing him he fell into the water!"

"Wasn't he wearing his elytra?"


"Well take him inside and I can take a look at him."

Xan brought Mumbo inside and placed him down on one of the beds.

"I'll wait with him in case he wakes up."


"We may be afraid that a watcher is possessing him or has done something to his head..."

"I only understood half of that but what I heard was watchers possessing or head so Im assuming its bad."

"Yeah Scar it's bad."

"Alright... Well, he may be out for a couple of hours, he probably won't wake up right now."

"Alright well, I'm going to go see where Iskall is. I think they may be at their base."
"Well bye then."

"Bye Scar!"

I flew over to Iskall's tree first to see if they were there. Surprisingly I thought they would be here. I flew over to Mumbo's base. Maybe they were still here? I landed in Mumbo's base. There didn't seem to be anyone here. I heard some slight whimpering somewhere. I looked all around his base. I couldn't seem to find anyone though. I finally looked between his nether portals.


"ISKALL!?! What happened to you?!?"

Iskall was on the floor perfectly still. There was a small pool of blood by their arm and there seemed to be vines piercing through their arms and legs.

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