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-April 28-
-3:52 am-
Dear Diary-no that sounds weird...Dear book? Dear...Book of Doom! Alright, I'm starting again.

Dear Book of Doom, I was told to maybe start writing a diary or book of some sorts cause I think they thought Mumbo did something to me and we aren't on good terms now? It makes no sense but I'll still going to. I won't do it traditionally where I write at the end of the day. I'm going to write whenever I have the chance so I don't forget about something. Well, tonight I woke to Mumbo mumbling to himself, and then he went outside. G soon woke up after and went outside after him. I heard some talking and went out. Mumbo explained to me that he and Feral had different minds despite being in the same body. It weirded both me and him out. While I was out there I noticed that the vines on my arms hadn't stopped growing but they didn't cause any pain. I took G inside and laid him on a bed. I heard a few taps on the roof as rain fell from the sky. A few minutes later I saw Mumbo come back and went upstairs to change his clothes. Scar had said that he had all of our clothes upstairs in case we needed to change. I watched as Mumbo came back down in his old suit, looking very comfortable. I asked Mumbo why he had changed into that and he said that it was more comfortable and he missed wearing it. However, he spoke of making a waterproof one too so he could wear it whenever he wanted. He laid in his bed and soon Grian went over to him and laid with him, snuggling close to his chest. Those two were cute together. Well i'm going to stop for now and pick up some time after I need to ask Scar what's happening with the vines.

-April 30-
-11:26 am-
G looked out of it. He was talking and everything but he looked like he was holding something back which wasn't unusual for him as he kept a lot of secrets from people. Although he has gotten better at hiding it, it's still quite obvious to me. I asked him somethings and sure enough, he answered them but almost half his answers were lies and I could tell that he was answering half-heartedly.

-4:17 pm-
At one point today sometime after lunch, Grian's voice got this cold feel to it and he pushed everyone away claiming he had some things he had to do. I also learned earlier that I forgot to include in my last log that, and happened sometime early morning around 6-7 o'clock but anyways Xisuma came in around that time to get Xanthos. I still don't trust him because of his sudden appearance but also he was the one who broke Grian's leg and gave him that scar even if he was possessed or being controlled-something along those lines. I learned a little later after that they told me that the barrier had a hole in it that was progressively getting bigger and bigger. They said that it wasn't a big deal except for some lag issues and some glitches here and there. Although Xanthos said that G may be a bit worried about it.
-May 2-
-2:31 pm-
The leaves on my branches and vines turned into this see-through, holographic, moss-type leaf and the bark of the branches is starting to take over more of my arms and legs making them harder to move. I've seen G around but he's started hiding from everyone and the only person he ever seems to be with is Xanthos...
Word count - 641 it's shorter than I expected but I don't wanna write anymore for this chapter besides this and I also have a plot to write :>

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