Lost Feathers

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It took 3 weeks to get to the Woodland Mansion. When I got there I saw a little base set up that I assumed belonged to Gri and set up beside it.

I was finishing putting everything away when I heard a blood-curdling scream, and then silence. It was coming from the Mansion. I couldn't go in now as it would be too difficult to try and fight off illigers and monsters at the same time so I went to bed.

|Time skip - next morning|

This morning I was woken up by a scream then there was silence, then another and another. This went on for about two hours when I had enough of it. I went and tried to locate Gri inside but that only got me with what seemed like a pair of broken ribs and half my health left.

I tried, again and again, every morning and afternoon but I still could get in. So I tried a different approach.

I tried going to the top of the mansion and going down that way. When I got to the roof and walked over to the third smaller level I noticed that some glass had been broken up here. (I guess this was the way Gri got in) When I came into the library I saw something shiny over in the corner.

It was Gri's pic and ender chest.

I quickly put his pic in the ender chest, forgetting that it goes to my stuff when I open it and put my wings in it for later use. It felt good taking the wings off as they were slightly heavy and felt clunky on my back. I was about to put the ender chest in my inventory when I saw books all over the floor, I quickly put them away thinking they might be what Gri was looking for. When I put the ender chest into my inventory I heard a familiar grunting noise of an illiger coming up behind me. I quickly tried to run down the stairs behind them.

That didn't exactly work out as planned I was cornered and had to stab a few of them the get out, once I got out I went all the way down to the bottom of the mansion

I dug down under the mansion and started digging, I dug until I hit a wall. The wall was made out of obsidian and bedrock with some sort of spell cast on it causing pain to whoever touched it. I couldn't use diamond tools as when diamonds touched me they burned, but only for a few seconds. I don't know why it burned but might have been a chemical reaction to my skin.

I pulled out my diamond pic and started mining the obsidian, hissing at the burn of the pickaxe. When I finally mined to obsidian all could see was a cage, something light purple and fluffy inhabiting it whispering to its self and crying.


This morning they used more of there illusions on me, either killing me or torturing me.

One of them was Mumby and he killed me tortured me and sliced off my wings. That morning I heard something very strange. When they were putting me back in my cage I heard a racket upstairs and they hurriedly went up to help, even though they left the door open to my cell I didn't leave there was no point in leaving, and besides if I didn't leave they wouldn't punish me which was better than trying to leave.

Each day they started to leave me alone more and more secluding me to my thoughts. There was this little voice in my mind I started mimicking slowly whispering

I'm a monster

Nobody loves me

Nobody cares about me

Nobody will try to save me

Im a monster to them

A disgusting



Somehow I felt this kept me sane thinking no one was going to help me and I was going to be here for the rest of my life.

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