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FOOLS YOU THOUGH I WAS GOING TO PUBLISH THIS NEXT WEEK! Yeah I was going to but I'm bored and have nothing else to do and I wanna see reactions from people when they read this.



It had been a few days since they let me and Gri go to our homes. They advised that we stay together or near each other, so we decided that we were going to stay in Gri's hobbit hole as it was the bigger one of our two homes.

I would go over to my hobbit hole to get resources or to tinker with some Redstone as I knew Gri wouldn't like if his house had Redstone dust everywhere. I was just tinkering when my vision went purple and it looked like I was in a big room. I was looking around trying to see anything other than the constant purples and I saw them. The same things that came hear me last time I was in this sort of purple area.

I tried not to freak out but then there was a flash of light. I started freaking out and was panicking. Then I saw a little orb in front of me, glowing a warm white. I felt compelled to touch it like it was pulling me towards it. I obliged and ran my hand over it, everything going black.


I jumped up. I looked around my bedroom.

Everything was fine.

A nightmare had been ruining my sleep pattern for the past few weeks. I needed to take my mind off what I had witnessed in my unconscious state. I got out of my bed and put on my suit coat. I looked out the top of my base. The stary night sky looked beautiful. Fireflies danced with the stars, to the point where I couldn't tell the difference.

I snapped out of my state of dreaming and walked to my portal. I may be tired, but I needed to get a few things done today. I found the shopping district portal and stepped through. It was still early. I normally got up a lot later. It was around 4 am. I let out a light yawn and walked throughout the shopping district, seeing the new shops and looking for the Redstone shop. I rubbed my eyes and walked into Cherry with my diamonds.


I jumped at the sound of someone calling my name. I turned around to see Iskall running at me.

"Oh..Hey Iskall. Why are you up this early?"

"I could ask You the same thing!"

"Oh sorry, let me rephrase. Why are you happy to be up this early."

I had a hint of anger in my voice. I didn't even notice. Iskall did.

"I..uh...see you."

Iskall ran out of the shop. I scoffed and got back to shopping. I didn't care right now. It was only 4 am and I was already having a bad day. I walked out of the shop with a shulker box filled with Redstone. The sun was starting to rise, making me wonder how long I was in the shop. The fresh summer air filled the shopping district as the sun glistened on the shops, making them shine in the morning light. I rubbed my eyes and decided to take a look around at the new shops. I looked down at a clock that I had found in my inventory.


I shook my head. Had I been just standing in the Redstone shop for 2 hours? That just didn't sound right. I looked at a tiny cart on the side of the path. I climbed onto one of the seats positioned at the front of the cart and looked through its supply. Gravel and sand. Two things I was in desperate need of. I pulled out a shulker box that had held my rare items and looked through it. Nothing was inside. "What?! Ugh!"

I scoffed at the sight of my empty shulker box. I didn't spend all of my diamonds on Redstone. I made sure of it. This day was just getting worse. I put on my elytra and flew up to the portal. I could just go to a desert and get sand myself. I walked through the roof of the nether staring off into space before bumping into someone.

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