~*Chapter 2*~

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*Harry POV*
"Hey guys I'm so glad your here," Jay says opening the door. All of Louis' siblings come running to me hugging me making me laugh. I keep looking for Louis but he's no where.

"Harry you'll be in the guest room that's beside Lottie's room, Anne you'll be in the other guest room. Come on girls let's help them to their rooms," Jay says as her and the girls help us with our bags. I'm so fooking nervous.

"Thanks Jay again for letting us stay here for a while," my mum says coming up the steps. "Anne you're family of course you're always welcome here," Jay says smiling at me.

After unpacking we all go downstairs for some tea. We've been here for close to an hour and I've not seen Louis.

"Mum where's Louis at," Daisy ask taking a drink of tea. "I don't know, but you better believe I'm gonna find out," Jay says storming upstairs.

After about about ten minutes she comes back down and I can tell she's been crying. "Um Louis has a headache he took something and went to bed," she says with a forced smile. I don't know if I feel better that I won't have to face him tonight or if I feel worse that he's faking a headache. I know he doesn't have a headache.

"Girls you should probably start getting ready for bed," she tells them with a stressed look on her face. They all hug everyone and go upstairs.

"Harry you probably need to go to bed too. It's your first day at a new school," mum says. "Yes, and Louis can drive you both," Jay says sternly making my mum look at me and I know she wants to talk to Jay.

I shouldn't have but after kissing mum and Jay goodnight and I get up the stairs. I hide where they can't see. I just know this has something to do with me. I'm surprised when Jay breaks down crying.

"Anne what did I d-do wrong?" She cries. "Jay honey I don't know what you're talking about," my mum says concerned. "I-it's L-Louis," Jay stutters. "Ok Jay just take a deep breath," she says making her calm down a little and take a breath. "Louis is homophobic," Jay cries, and making my mum gasp.

"Jay,its ok Harry and I can stay in a hotel," she says and I feel a tear fall down my face. "Absolutely not I did not raise him like that but as far I'm concerned he'll leave before you will,"Jay says making my mum laugh.

"I won't have it,not in my house so you and Harry are not going anywhere and I apologize for him I don't know what I did wrong,"She says starting to cry again.

"Yes , Jay it makes me mad that Louis would judge someone for who they fall in love with, but that in no way is your fault. As mothers all we can do is put them on the right path and pray they stay on it," my mum tells her.

"Don't tell Harry," Jay says. "I wasn't planning on it, and your sure it's still ok if we stay?" My mum ask. "Anne shut up yes you're not going anywhere," she says making my mum laugh. "Don't worry we'll figure this out Jay," mum says as I get up running to my room.

When I get to the guest room I feel like I can't breathe I collapse onto the bed bawling. I mean I thought that's why we drifted apart but to hear it is something different. I can't believe after all the time we spent together he's such a dick head. I don't even know how to act around him.

I finally stop crying. I've gotta get to sleep as hard as it is and as bad as it hurts I can't think about it right now. I still have too shower.

I take a deep breath and get going down the hall to the bathroom still wiping my eyes, when my body collides with someone else's "Oops!" I say picking my towel up. "Hi, Harry,"Louis says making me run to the bathroom.

I probably shouldn't have run away from Louis, but I don't know how to act around him. He used to be my everything,but knowing he doesn't accept me as me ,I don't know how act. I'm sure he doesn't want me here. It hurts so bad I thought Louis would love me no matter what and always be my friend.

When I was getting bullied back in Holmes Chapel I called him for help. The first time I called and he didn't answer I didn't think much about it but when I called again he forwarded my call to voicemail that's when I knew Louis wasn't who I thought. What's bad though is he's still and I think always will be my everything. How pathetic am I?

I think I kept trying to tell myself he was busy, but when he never returned my txt or calls I knew. I mean when I bumped into him he didn't seem mean, I think it's just knowing that he doesn't accept me. How am I gonna live with him in the same house. I'm freaking out. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth.

Before I go out of the bathroom I put my ear up against the door making sure I don't hear him in the hallway. When I hear nothing but silence I quickly open the door and run back to the guest room falling on the bed crying myself to sleep.

AN: sorry it was such a short chapter I have these ideas in my head and I don't know how to write it. But hope I did let me know ok vote and comment.

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