~*Chapter 38*~

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*Niall POV*
"Hey babe Liam's gonna come by and get you and Zayn while I go get Calum and we'll meet at the hospital," I tell Josh holding the phone to my ear. "Ok but I miss you," he wines. "Well two things about that if you wouldn't have made me go to school we could be cuddling right now," I say hearing Zayn laugh in the background.

"Shut up Zayn,"Josh says. "Yeah Zayn the only reason Liam's coming to get you is for his own safety. If I hear how much he misses you again I'm gonna murder him," I say making Liam blush and roll his eyes.

"Hey Josh maybe this will teach you a lesson we could of been having fun all day I mean you just have a broke nose,"I half joke. "I'll teach him how to appreciate his man," Zayn jokes. "You made me come to school too," Liam says making Josh laugh. "Love you baby see you soon," I tell him. "Love you too and I can't wait," he says.

"I'll meet you at the hospital,"I tell Liam after hanging up. After picking Calum up I notice he's just seems weird. "Calum I know we've not really been friends long but you know you can talk to me right?" I ask making him look at me with tears in his eyes making me quickly pull over.

"I'm sorry Niall it's just the whole thing with Gavin happened and yeah we'd grown apart but it still stung. And I really didn't think Axel would accept me when he found out and that hurt, but I guess I was sorta prepared for it. We've been friends since freshman year. I never thought even if he didn't wanna be my friend anymore he'd do something like this it just hurts. He's how I figured out I was gay I started getting feelings for him that were more than what you'd normally have for your best friend," he cries.

"Calum I'm so sorry with everything going on none of us took a minute to think how hard this must be on you. I'm so sorry,"I tell him. "No I understand I mean it was scary when Louis wasn't waking up,"he says wiping his eyes.

"Still we should've taken your feelings into account. Can I ask you a question?" I ask him making him nod. "May I say something and I don't mean it to be offensive in anyway?" I ask making him nod. "Well you say Axel was your best friend but you already pretty much knew he wouldn't accept you. That's not a friend. A friend is someone who will love you even if they don't agree with your choices and stick by you till the end. I know Louis sorta had a detour but that was just because he was scared of his feelings for Harry. I'm sorry if I'm overstepping," I say.

"Ya know your too smart for Josh," he says making me laugh as I pull back on the road. "But seriously thank you I needed that,"he says.  "Like I said no we've not been friends long but I hope I'm someone you consider a friend," I say pulling into the hospital. "I do Niall, thanks again,"he says. "Anytime and you can come to talk to any of us anytime," I tell him putting the car in park.

"Hey Niall?" He ask as we're walking in. "Yeah?" I ask turning toward him. "Do you mind if I hug you? Or do you think Josh would mind?" He ask making me laugh. "Listen if he doesn't trust me anymore than that then it'll never work and of course you can hug me I don't care," I say wrapping him in a hug.

"I MESS UP ONCE AND YOU REPLACE ME?"Josh ask coming out of the hospital. "Mate it wasn't his fault," Calum panics. "Calum mate I'm joking I trust Niall," Josh says wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck.

"But what's going on I can tell you've been crying" Zayn says walking up with Liam. "Will you explain? I don't wanna break again," he ask making everyone look at me.

"Guys Louis' condition's bad but he's not the only one hurting from this. Maybe not as bad physically but mentally. We didn't take the time to think how hard all this is on Calum. Him and Axel we're best friends plus the whole thing with Gavin,"I say.

"Mate I'm so sorry," Josh says. "It's ok you're boyfriend made me see that I'm better off without him. Ya know Josh I don't know how you ever got so lucky,"Calum says making me blush.

"Shhh I think he hit head and it made him crazy enough to love me," Josh jokes making us laugh. "Well then I never wanna be smart," I say connecting my lip with Josh's.  "Hey lovebirds you can suck face later let's go see Louis," Zayn says making us pull away.

"I am sorry Calum we weren't more thoughtful of what you were going though," Zayn says making Liam nod in agreement. "It's ok. Come on let's go check on Lou," Calum says.

"Awww doesn't Larry look so cute," I say walking in to Louis' hospital room seeing them cuddled up. "Hey guys Niall what the fook are you going on about?" Louis ask making me roll my eyes. "It's your ship name we all have one. Your and Harry's is Larry Stylinson. Zayn and Liam's is Ziam Mayne and mine and Josh's is Nosh," I say making them laugh. "Well thanks Niall I like it," Louis says. "Yeah me too," Zayn says.

"Yeah it's cute but why do Zayn,Liam, Harry and Louis get a last name, and you and Josh don't Calum ask. "You thought of last names for ours and not your own," Liam laughs making me hide my face in Josh's chest.

"No I just thought Nosh sounded better,"I say. "Baby what about Nosh Deran?" Josh ask. "Hey I like it," I say pecking his lips. "Hey Calum I'm sorry about Axel I know you all were close," Louis says making Calum burst out laughing and all of us blush and Louis and Harry look confused.

"S-sorry thanks at least someone cares ," he jokes. "I'm confused," Louis says. "Oh well I didn't expect it from Harry he was worried about you we all were but your the only one that saw I lost what I thought was a friend," Calum says. "Well I'm more thoughtful than those bozos over there," Louis laughs. We stay for about an hour and a half.

"Will somebody take me home," Harry ask making Louis sit up and scream out in pain. "Your not staying?" Louis ask.

"Baby I wish I could but my deal with my mum was I'd only miss today," Harry says kissing Louis. "Well hey don't take him home take him to my house," Louis says making Harry look at him confused. "Baby get my car my mum said she had the keys that way you can get back to me as soon as possible," Louis say's kissing his lips.

"We'll see you tomorrow Louis,"we all say walking out. "Ok who's taking who?" I ask when we get outside. "We can take Harry by Louis' Liam says.

"Ok we'll see you all tomorrow," I say grabbing Josh's hand heading toward the car.

AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love reading your comments

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