~*Chapter 6*~

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*Zayn's POV*
When I get to school I'm trying every way possible  to stay out of site of Perrie. She's been annoying me lately. What scares me about that is every time I have a class with Liam. I catch myself starring at him, but it couldn't be that I'm starting to like Liam could it? I get to my locker, when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, and I know I've been found.

"Hey baby," she says kissing my neck, and by the way I almost throw up, confirms I'm not completely straight. I don't know I'm really fooking confused. But I know I can't lead her on.

"Hey, Pez." I say turning around in her arms. "Is something wrong?" She ask me.

"I need to talk to you, but not out in the open. Can we meet up after school?" I ask. "Zayn just go ahead," she says.

"No Perrie, this would be better with us alone,"I tell her. "Hell Zayn you act like you're gonna break up with me and we're coming up on four years plus who would wanna break up with this." She ask motioning at her body.

"Um, me,"I tell her making her mouth drop. "If you're joking it's not funny," she says. "No joke, well I hope your next girlfriend doesn't have to fake it like I did," she says stomping off as Josh and Louis walk up.

"What was that about,"Louis ask? "I broke it off with Perrie," I tell them. "Why," Josh ask. "She was just getting annoying,"I lie. "What was that she was saying about faking it when we walked up?" Louis smiled. "Bullshit if she fooking faked it she deserves an Oscar," I tell them making them both laugh.

"Hey Louis looks like Harry's got himself a boyfriend," I say nodding toward the couple. "Come on let's go have some fun,"I say. "Guys just let them be," Josh says making me and Louis both look at him.

"What I mean it's getting old ins't it?" He ask. "Zayn have you seen Josh?" Louis jokes making me laugh and Josh roll his eyes."Whatever you all are gonna do what you want anyways, but I'm done with it. I'm going to class," he says closing his locker.

"Well I don't know what's wrong with him but we don't have time to mess with them. The bell's fixing to ring,"I tell Louis. "Watch this" Louis says walking toward them pushing Harry into the locker as he passes.

The thing is Harry wasn't expecting it of course and he grabbed Liam's arm when he felt himself being pushed causing them both to go flying. Louis  turns to me smiling giving me a wink but I find myself getting mad.

I try and push it to the back of my mind and give Louis a small smile. As I walk to class I don't really know what's happening I mean I always knew their was something different about Liam but I didn't realize I had feelings for him until I saw Louis push them. I don't know what to do. I always thought I was straight,maybe I'm bi. Another thing I don't know is if I'm ready for my whole life to change. It's not like I'd even have a chance with him after putting him through hell anyways.

"Mr. Malik, did you hear what I said?" Mr. Corden ask. "I'm sorry I didn't sleep well," I lie making him roll his eyes. "This assignment you'll be paired up, yours is Liam," he says making my stomach drop. He can explain the details," he says.

"Everyone sit next to your partners and plan how your gonna work. Such as where your gonna work, who's gonna do what, etc."Mr. Corden says has Liam comes and sits beside me.

"Ok, first off I just wanna say your probably as happy as I am to be partnered together. I know you hate me but we don't have a choice," he says.

"Liam, I don't hate you," I tell him, I think I need to come clean to at least him or get his input on it. "Well ya could've fooled me," he says not looking me in the eye. "Hey,Liam theirs something I need to talk to you about do you think we could work on the assignment at my house?" I ask.

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