~*Chapter 29*~

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*Zayn's POV*
"I can't believe you let Louis kiss Liam. I don't think I could've done it," Josh says pulling Niall into his side. "I didn't have anything to worry about, I trust Liam,"I say looking at Liam.

"Well yeah I trust Niall I'm just afraid he's gonna find out,"he says making us all look at him confused. "What're you talking about?" I ask. "That I'm not good enough for him I'm just afraid I'm gonna wake up it's gonna be a dream,"Josh says making Niall slap him up side the head making Liam and I laugh.

"I love you and hear I'll prove it's not a dream," Niall says connecting their lips. "Fook Niall you bit my lip hard," Josh says when they pull away for air. "I know, now you know it's not dream," Niall says pecking his lips making us all laugh.

"Well if I'm honest that was a pretty awesome kiss from Louis," Liam says winking at Niall and Josh. "In fact do you think it's to late do you think he's caught up with Harry yet?" He ask with a smirk.

"Hey you're mine nobody else's do you understand?" I ask pushing him against the locker connecting our lips. Only pulling apart when someone coughs behind us turning around to see Gavin.

"You've got nerve I'll have to give you that," I tell him. "Don't tell Calum," he says. "Are you stupid?" Josh ask. "Yeah not only is he gonna find out anyway, but he's our friend and we don't treat our friends like that," Liam says making me smile and wrap my arms around him. "Just go away we're done with you. You didn't just hurt one of our friends which would've been bad enough. You hurt two. So just go find Nick," Niall says. "What the fook ever Nick's better anyway and 10 times better at sucking cock,"Gavin says storming off.

"What a dick," Josh says. "So what'd we gonna do?"Zayn ask. "Well you all know where he lives or at least have his phone number, right?" Niall ask making Josh and I nod. "Ok well let's go by his house or call him to meet up ," Liam says. "Yeah but if you know where he lives that'd probably be better," Niall says.

"Ok I'll txt Calum and tell him we're coming by," I say as we walk outside. "Josh I'll follow you," Liam says. "Ok," he says grabbing Niall's hand. "Well I wasn't expecting that," I say when we get in the car making Liam laughs. "Yeah tell me about it," he says pulling out.

"How do you think it'll go with Harry?" I ask. "Honestly it go either way. I mean yeah Harry's in love with Louis but Louis' also put him through hell," he says turning on to Calum's street.

"But let's not worry about it we've done all we can," Liam says putting his hand on my thigh. "I guess your right I just hate that we're happy and their fate's still up in the air," I say. "I understand what your saying but it'll work out the way it's supposed to," he says. "I don't understand how I got so fooking lucky," I tell him leaning over pecking his lips when he puts the car in park.

"Hey guys you said you all needed too talk. Is everything ok," Calum ask opening the door making us all look at each other. "Guys what's up?" He ask. "Well let us come in and sit down it'd be better," Josh says. "Oh, yeah sorry come in,"Calum says.

"Ok now what's going on?" He ask again. Well first off a lots happened today. "Nick and Harry broke up and so did El and Louis,"I say trying to ease into it. "Ok I mean I'm sorry but what does that have to do with me?" Calum ask. "Well the way they broke up is sorta intertwined and that's what brings you in to it," Josh says.

"Oh dear gosh babe I'll tell him. We're all here for him if he needs us," Niall says making Calum get a worried look in his eyes. "Ok, the reason Nick and Harry broke up is Harry walked in on Nick giving Gavin a blowjob," Niall says making Calum's mouth drop and tears spring to his eyes.

"Your joking right?" Calum ask. "No mate I'm sorry Gavin didn't want us to tell you but we thought you should know,"I say as Calum breaks down bawling Niall and Liam rush to his side. "Were we wrong should we have not told you?" Josh ask bending down.

"No You did the right thing. I just t-thought we were in l-love," Calum cries. "But I guess I should've seen it I could feel us d-drifting apart. I think deep down I knew it was coming but I sorta felt like I needed to stay with him because we came o-out together. Does that make since?" Calum cries making us nod.

"Don't get me wrong I used to be deeply in love with him and I still do love him, but it's sorta like I love one of you all. I do wish he would've had enough respect for me and hell for Harry. I wish he would have broken it off with me properly. Did he at least say anything besides don't tell me?" Calum ask making us all look at each other.

"Ok that gave it away what'd he say," Calum ask. "Are you sure you wanna hear this because you can't unhear it," Liam says making him nod. "Ok well Niall told him we were done with him so just go find Nick. And he said Nick was better anyway and was 10 times better at sucking cock," Liam tells him not making eye contact.


"I don't want anything bad to happen to him but he can kiss my arse," he says. "How do El and Louis fit into this," he ask. "Well if it makes you feel any better Louis broke Nick's jaw when he heard what he'd done to Harry,"I say. "But why does he care I'm absolutely so confused,"he says.

"Ok since these two idiots don't know how to sum it up I'll do it," Liam says. "Louis' gay and in love with Harry. Now was that so hard?" He ask. "Zayn your boyfriend's a smartarse," Josh says with a smirk.

"Not only is he smartarse but he has a fooking sexy arse," I say squeezing his bum making him blush. "Louis' gay?" Calum ask. "Yeah, but anyway that's why El and Louis broke up," Niall says.

"OH MY GOSH!! ZAYN, JOSH WE'RE FOOKING IDIOTS,"Calum yells making us jump. "Ok we know that  but why?" Liam said winking at Niall. "Ok Zee, Josh is right your boyfriend is a fooking smartarse," Calum says making us laugh. "Maybe but he makes up for it in other ways," I say nipping at his neck. "Mate you realize he called you an idiot too right?" Josh ask.

"Well to perfectly honest I am. It took me forever to figure out why I felt different around Liam," I say pulling him close. "See," Liam says. "Ok, ok what are you going on about?" I ask looking at Calum.  "Do you all remember when he'd tell us stories about Harry how his eyes would light up. He used to talk about him so much we told him he could only tell 4 Harry stories per practice," Calum says.

"WE ARE DUMBER THAN DUMB," Josh says. "It's ok smart people are boring,"Niall says pecking his lips. "Niall you just called us boring or dumb," Liam says making us all laugh. "Mate it is what is. You have to admit we're idiots too," Niall says. "I know that but their not supposed to know that," Liam says makings us laugh.

"Do you boys wanna stay for dinner,"Calum's mum ask coming into the living room. "Yes they do," Calum says before any of us can say anything. "Listen boys I wasn't trying to snoop but I heard what happened. Thank you for being such a good friend to my boy," she says. "We didn't do anything any a decent person wouldn't do," I say. "Well dinners ready let's eat,"she says with a smile.

AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love reading your comments

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