~*Chapter 5*~

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*Harry's POV*
"Good morning,"I say walking into kitchen. "Good morning,"everyone says Louis' not down here yet he acts like he can't stand to be in the same room as me.

As I'm finishing my cereal I hear him coming down the stairs. "Mum, I don't want anything to eat. I'm gonna go ahead and go also I have practice today. So I can't bring Harry home,"he says kissing her cheek.

"Bye girls,"he says just to be met with silence. "Harry are you ready?" He ask. "Yeah, and my ride just pulled in," I tell him. "Uh?" He ask. "I'm riding with Nick, oh and I don't need you to bring me home,"I tell him. Seeing Lottie trying to hold in her laughter. "Well bye guys love ya," I tell them.

"Wait Harry," Lottie says making me turn around. "Can I talk to you for second please," she ask making me nod. When I get in the hallway the other girls are there too. "We just wanted to tell you, your secret is safe with us. Well up to a point. Stay safe we love you," Fizzy says as they take turns hugging me.

"Thanks guys, I love you too,"I tell them. "So Nick's taking you to school and bringing you home?" Louis ask when I go back in the kitchen. "Yeah," I tell him. "You, don't think that would have been valuable information to somebody like maybe me?" He ask.

"Hey Louis I'm riding with Nick today, oh yeah, and he's also bringing me home." I say making everyone laugh and Louis roll his eyes.

"Morning"Nick says as I get in the car. "Good morning," I tell him.

"Hey guys," we both say walking up to Niall and Liam. When all of sudden I'm turned around and pushed up against the locker I'm met with Louis' blue eyes full of anger.

"You told them didn't you?" He ask. "What are you going on about?" I ask pushing him off of me. "Don't act dumb you saw how the girls acted around me this morning. And I saw Lottie going in your room last night. You told them what goes on here at school," he yells pushing me again.

"Dude calm down let him talk," Josh says pulling Louis back surprising me. "If you must know yes I told Lottie," I say making him struggles against Josh to let him loose. "Instead of being mad at me you should thank me. They all thought you had feelings for me, until I told her. All I did was tell Lottie who you really are," I said closing my locker. I didn't really see Louis the rest of the day he pushed me once or twice and we have a couple of classes together. Besides that he's stayed clear. It's pathetic that I wish I'd seen him more.
"Hey Harry can I ask you something?" Nick ask he took me home after school then picked me up again a few hours later,we went and saw a movie and now we're eating pizza. "Sure," I tell him taking a bite of pizza. "Would you be my boyfriend?" He ask I don't really know what to say Nick's nice but I'm in love with Louis. Maybe over time I'll develop feelings for him. I've gotta let Louis go. "Yes,"I say  making him smile  and grab my hand on top of the table.

When we get done eating Nick takes me home. "Thanks Nick I had fun," I tell him. "Me too honey, I'll be here in the morning to pick you up," he says leaning in pecking my lips.

*Josh's POV*
"Hey mum I'm home,"I say coming in from school after practice. "Hey honey how was practice," she ask pecking my cheek. "Good," I say shrugging my shoulders. "When are we gonna meet this girl you're dating. That you're so head over heels for?" She ask.

"I d-don't know mum whenever she's comfortable," I tell her. "But I've got homework I'm gonna go upstairs," I tell her.

I'm miserable I don't think my mum would accept it if I told her the one I'm head over heels for is an Irish guy. I'm so far gone for Niall it's unbelievable. I don't know how long I can keep doing this I thought I could hide it until graduation, and just come out when I went to UNI away from my parents. But I don't know how long I have left in me. The thing is too if I came out I'd be all alone.

Because my parents wouldn't accept me, it's clear by the way Zayn and Louis act they wouldn't. They'd probably start bullying me too, and even though I'd do anything for Niall he'd never forgive me and I don't blame him. After doing the little bit of homework I have it's time for dinner.

"Hey son," my dad says as I come down the stairs. "Hey dad," I say sitting at the table. "How was school today?" My dad ask. "Ok," I tell him taking a bit of spaghetti.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," my mum says making us look over at her. "I saw Quinn today and she said that their was a couple of new families in town and both of them have sons around your age and both are fags." She says rolling her eyes, and making my stomach drop.

"Yeah theirs two new guys at school and both are gay." I tell her saying the word a little more harshly than I meant to. Causing her and dad to look at me like I'm crazy.

"Well I think it's ridiculous.They shouldn't even let them go to the same school as you," he says. "Um, I don't feel to good. I'm gonna go ahead upstairs," I tell them. "Are you ok honey?" Mum ask. "Yeah, I think I'm just tired,"I tell her getting up and kissing her cheek. "Good night guys," I tell them. "Good night son,"my mum and dad say as I walk upstairs. When I get to my room I break down, I don't even bother taking a shower I just get in bed and cry myself to sleep, planning to take shower in the morning.

The next morning when I wake up, I've decided I can't live like this anymore. I don't exactly know when and I gotta figure out how I'm gonna do it because I know it's not gonna be pretty. But I can't live like this anymore I'd rather someone hate me for who I really am. Than love me for someone I'm not.

I take a deep breath and get out of bed brushing my teeth and taking a shower.

AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love reading your comments

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