~*Chapter 35*~

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*Liam's POV*
"I know this is probably a dumb question but are you ok?" Robin ask as I tell him how to get to Ava's. "To be honest I don't know. I-I don't even know wh-what to think," I cry. "Liam calm down I can't say I know what you're going through,but I do know this can't be easy. Plus we went through bullying with Harry in Holmes Chapel," he says.

"Thanks I guess it's just I know it could have been so much worse, and I know I've not known Harry long but I love him like a brother and the man he loves is in a coma," I say. "I know it's hard to look at it this way sometimes but everything happens for a reason,"he says pulling into Ava's driveway. "Thanks Robin," I say opening my door. "Do you want me to come in with you?" He ask. "Sure if you want," I say making him get out of the car.

I take a deep breath and knock. "Hey Liam what're you doing he....."Waliyha says stopping in mid sentence. "Liam I can tell you've been crying is Zayn ok?" She ask making me burst out crying and fall into her arm.

"Honey I'm Harry's dad Robin,"he says when he sees she's fixing to cry. "If your asking if your brother is alive yes he is but could we step inside and I'll explain,you have another sister too right?" He ask as Waliyha lets us in.

"Yeah baby, Safaa come down here it's important,"Waliyha says. "Oh by the way Im Waliyha,"she says. "What's wrong baby," Ava ask coming into the living room. "Oh gosh Li what did my idiot brother do?"Safaa ask pulling me to her chest making me cry and Robin to speak up.

"Ok girls first I'm Robin  Harry's dad, and as far as being ok your brother is alive he's at the hospital though,"Robin says. "Hospital what happened?" Safaa ask. "Safaa honey just let Robin explain he brought me by to get you all because I thought you should know," I say. "Thank you but I'm sorta freaking out over here,"Waliyha says making Ava pull her into her arms.

"The guys that broke Liam's arm attacked, Zayn,Josh,Louis and Calum. Their was another boy too," he says making them gasp. "Their ok though right?

"Calum has a sprained wrist and a concussion, Josh has a broke nose and a concussion, and Zayn has a sprained ankle and a concussion, but Louis was knocked out he's not woken up yet," he says making them all cry. "Louis' like a brother," Waliyha cries.

"Well come on let's go see what's going on," I say.

"Girls are you ok?" I ask when we're all in the car. "We could be asking you the same thing," Waliyha points out. "Wait a second I've gotta question,these guys what's happening with them," Ava ask. "Well their all eighteen so they'll be tried as adults and they take hate crimes seriously," Robin says pulling into the hospital.

"Girls go ahead I'll be right there," I say. "Robin I just wanted to thank you," I say. "Son theirs nothing to thank me for,"he says. "Now let's go check on your man," he says making me smile a little as we get out and go into the hospital.

AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love reading your comments sorry it's so short

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