~*Chapter 36*~

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*Harry's POV*
When we get to the hospital Niall and I jump out of the car before it even comes to a complete stop, running into the waiting room. To find Calum and his parents, Josh with Niall's parents and Zayn with Liam's parents holding a crying Lottie, coach Adler is there too.

Niall takes off running to Josh gently kissing his nose and I run to Lottie. "He's o-ok right?" I cry making her fling herself into my arm. "Lottie he's gotta b-be o-ok I just got h-him," I cry.

"Harry mum's back there now but they've not said anything or at least s-she's not t-told us. I'm just s-scared,"she cries. "Sorry Harry I know you have more important things but where's Li,?"Zayn ask. "Oh, dad took him to get your sisters. He didn't think it was right for him to c-come and n-not them," I snub making him nod.

"Harry I'm sorry we tried,"Calum says walking over with Josh and Niall. "I know you did all you could ," I say taking a deep breath. "He's right boys I should of went to check on him I know how people are. I'm so sorry," Coach Adler says. "Coach it's not your fault either," I tell him. "I'm still sorry,"he says making me nod.

"But I gotta go. I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with the team I lost four of my best players today," he says as Liam comes in with Zayn's sisters, Ava and my dad. "Oh my gosh baby,"Liam says running to Zayn with his Zayn's sisters and Ava right behind him.

"I'm ok baby just a little beat up I'm fine," Zayn says pulling him close connecting their lips and hugging and kissing his sisters and Ava. "Hey coach how many new players do you need ?" Niall ask. "At least two ," he says. "Well I've always wanted to try out but I've always been scared too Liam and I both have,"Niall says.

"Wait you all didn't try out because of us?" Zayn ask pointing at him and Josh making Niall and Liam look at each other. "It was just easier," Liam says."Oh my gosh we're so sorry ,"Josh and Zayn say at the same time. "I think it's pretty clear we forgive you," Liam laughs .

"I don't mean this the way it sounds but are you any good?" Coach Adler ask. "Niall's amazing I'm decent," Liam says. "What about your arm Liam you can't play," Coach Adler says. "It's a fracture I go this week to get the cast off," Liam says. "Well it looks like you just made the team. I will be taking it easy on you though Liam,"he smiles making Liam nod.

"Harry," Lottie says pointing behind me making me turn around to see Jay with a tear stained cheeks. "Jay please say he's ok," I say running up to her.

"He's gonna live but he's not awake," she says. "What why?" I ask. "Come with me," she says taking my hand. "Dr.Arnette this is Louis' boyfriend Harry. Will you explain why he's not woken up he's very worried," she ask. "Sure hi Harry it's nice to meet to you," he says shaking my hand. "Son he has two fractured ribs, and he has a bad concussion. His body is doing what it can to heal itself," he says.

"But he will wake up right?" I ask. "Nothing is ever a 100% but I'm about 98% sure he'll wake up. Now I'm not sure when that'll be. It could be in the next hour, it could be tomorrow or hell it could be next week." He says making me cry harder.

"Son listen I honestly do feel like he will wake up.The only reason I'm not saying 100% is because in the medical field I don't feel anything can ever be a 100%. But the more you talk to him and let him hear your voice the sooner he'll wake up,"he says making me nod.

As soon as I walk in Louis' room I gasp. Theirs bruises on every part of his body he's shirtless and I can see his ribs are wrapped. I run grabbing his hand. As soon as our hands touch I feel his hand twitch. I look up  but his beautiful blue eyes are still closed. It does give me hope though.

"You have to wake up," I say placing a kiss to his lips. "He will honey," Jay says as Lottie comes in. "Hey Harry Anne brought this by," she says making Jay look at me. "Oh I guess I should of asked you but can I spend the night with him please? I ask. "Of course," she says giving me a hug.

"You don't care if I stay with you?" I ask. "Actually honey only one of us can stay,"she says. "Oh well your his mum you should stay," I say tracing Louis' palm. "Harry to be honest if you stayed it'd be doing me a favor I've got other kids.I don't mean it to sound like he's a burden it's just a lot to take in I'm worried about him, also knowing I have others I need to take care of," she rambles. "Jay calm down I know how close you and Louis are I didn't think for a minute you thought he was burden," I tell her making her smile.

"Call me if anything changes," she says pecking Louis' forehead. "And Harry he's strong," she says kissing my head before leaving. "I'll stay right here till  I get to see your beautiful blue eyes again," I tell him kissing his lips.


I've been here all weekend Jay and all his sisters have been by. All the guys, plus my parents and he's still not awake. I've read to him and I talk to him but I'm getting really scared. I'm scared out of my thoughts by my phone.

"Hello,"I say putting the phone to my ear. "Hi honey you ok?" My mum ask. "I guess I'm as good as can be expected," I say. "Harry honey I know this is hard but you have school tomorrow," she says making my eyes go wide. "Mum I can't leave him, I promised I'd be here," I say. "Honey I know ,but you can't just not go to school," she says. "One day mum please just let me skip tomorrow please I beg of you," I say starting to cry.

"Harry calm down," she says making me take a deep breath. "Honey I can't imagine how hard this is. You can stay out tomorrow but you have to go back Tuesday,Deal?" She ask. "Yeah,I guess," I say. "Ok, honey I love you everything will work out," she says. "Thanks, I love you too," I tell her as I feel tears begin to roll down my cheek again .

"Baby, Boobear,please don't make me go back without knowing you're ok please,"I say pulling the chair closer to his bed laying my head in his lap crying myself  to sleep.

AN:Please vote and leave some feedback I love reading your comments

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