Chapter 16: The exploding bus.

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The bus pulled out and onto the street. I looked over and saw Annabeth trying to find us an escape route.

"She didn't stay dead long." Percy said turning to Annabeth. I remember being told about Percy killing one of the furies.

"I thought you said they could be dead for a lifetime." He continued.

"I said if you're lucky. You evidently are not."

"All 3 of them" Grover said grimly.

"Great, the furies just the most notorious monsters ever. No biggie." I said trying to lighten the mood

"We can get out through the windows." Annabeth said somewhat confidently

I tried opening one of them.

"They don't open." I said grimly

"Back exit?" Annabeth suggested.

Grover shook his head.

"Would they attack us with witnesses?" I asked hoping for an answer I wanted.

Annabeth paused like she was considering hundreds of different outcomes

"Hard to say. Mortals don't have good eyes."

We went through the Lincoln tunnel. The only things illuminating the bus were the passing lights on the top of the tunnel and the lights on the aisles.

One of the furies got up at this time.

"I have to use the restroom." The fury said in the most monotone voice I have ever heard.

"So do I." Said another fury.

"So do I." Said the the other one.

They all slowly started making their way down the aisle.

"I got it." Annabeth said tapping Percy on the shoulder. "Take my hat."

"What?" He said in either protest or confusion.

"They're after you. They won't attack if they don't see you. Once they pass us get to the front of the bus and you can hop off."

"But you guy-" He protested but I stopped him before he could finish his sentence.

"Go. Now." I said. I don't typically get serious but I tried as hard as possible to slightly intimidate him.

Without another word he put on the cap. He immediately went invisible.

I looked back at the furies and once they got past to about the 10th row in front of us they stopped. They raised their heads up and sniffed the air as if their favorite treat was around. The lead one's head snapped to an empty seat right next to them. I don't even know if he's there or not but just judging by their movements I would say he's right there, freaking out silently.

For what felt like an eternity the lead fury stared at that spot sniffing. I felt a hand slowly coil around my right arm and squeeze with so much force I thought my arm was about to come off.

She finally kept walking. I looked down to see Annabeth's hand latched onto my forearm. I was about to say something but I saw the furies out of my peripheral vision. I tried to look like I was falling asleep and tried to take the most unflattering look to make it believable. I closed my eyes and could only hear their footsteps.

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