Chapter 3: Safe Haven?

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I look both ways in the hallway. An interesting thing I saw was a tiny rainbow right outside of the classroom.

I decided not to question it as we ran past it. Mike said, " Go around this corner and then go outside."
He said that and I immediately followed going outside. I found my dad's car already there. I was about to question it but thought that a crazy... lady? Was after us I think not questioning it was a better choice. I hopped in the passenger seat and Mike sat in the back seat. As soon as we got a few miles out of the school I asked the burning question in my mind.

"What the hell was that!!"
"An empusa." Mike's voice rings through the car.
"Wait the Greek vampire ladies?" I ask trying to wrap my mind around it.
All I got were nods from him.
"Why was it after me?"
"Enough questions, we're only 2 minutes out." My dad butt into the conversation. I've never seen him this serious.

I didn't question him as I felt if I did I would make him insanely mad.  I wrapped my head around what was happening today as I looked out the window. Outside were a bunch of storm clouds but none of them had any lightning and I didn't hear any thunder taking this information I presumed we would be alright.

My dad slowed to a stop right outside of a random hill.
"What why are you dropping us off here, in the middle of nowhere."
"They'll be able to answer that inside but here's a gift that I wanted you to open because it's your birthday after all." My dad said trying to remain cheerful whilst handing me a necklace.I had almost forgotten it was my birthday. 

"It's from your mother." He says before I put it on and examine it.

"I would hate to disturb the father-son bonding time but we need to go thank you for the drive," Mike says almost panicking.
All my dad says is, "ok" before we hop out of the car and start going up the hill.

I look up at the trees and see hundreds of different hawks and buzzards (some even vultures) on a singular tree looking at me expectantly almost as if saying, " Come on."
Of course, the Hawks didn't have to speak to hear that as Mike was constantly saying to keep moving.

We got up the hill and into what seemed to be a ... camp? This didn't seem like a safe haven.
I looked back and asked, "How does this protect us from all of the stuff out there?"
He muttered something like," force field." Before he said, " We have to go to the big house, follow me."

I followed him to the so-called "big house" which did live up to the name. It was large with sky-blue paint on the outside of it.

Sitting on the porch was a man in a wheelchair. He had a bushy beard and mustache ending in a point while his hair looked curly and straight simultaneously.

"Hello, Michael, and how may I be of service today." The man said.
"Chiron, we have a new demigod that you might want to take a look at.
Michael, we get new demigods all of the time why wo-." He stopped talking as he looked at me and saw the necklace that my father gave me.

"I see. We shall put him in Hermes' cabin and Michael could you find Annabeth for me she should be in the infirmary tending to a few demigods. I would like to talk to our new demigod here."
"Y-yes sir." Mike stuttered before running off to find this person. I look back to Chiron and he is looking me over stopping at my necklace.

Now that I felt I could I examined my necklace.
It had a wooden red-tailed hawk on the end with an engraving that I immediately translated to "call and they will come."

"Are you confused?" Chiron asks
" I am sir, what does "call and they will come" mean?"
"Attempt calling them." He says in a calm manner
In my head I attempt calling something, anything that would make sense.
I think of the only thing that made sense. The bird on the necklace.
I close my eyes and call out to a hawk of any kind.

All of a sudden I felt something grasp my shoulder and I open my eyes and saw a red-tailed hawk looking at me and then bowing.

I've been told that having a hawk land on you with its talons hurts. OH MY GOD, THEY WERE RIGHT!!! Especially when it lands on top of a deep scratch that was already there.

I recoiled in pain as I fell onto the floor holding my shoulder.

"Are you alright my lord?" I hear a concerned southern voice enter my head.
I look around the room to then find the hawk looking at me.

"Are you speaking?"
"Is this the first time you've heard one of us speak?"
So that answers my first question
"Yes." I still had a few questions though. "Can I call on any of you guys?"
"Only birds of prey."

Out of my peripheral vision, I see a blonde girl walking toward the house.
"I must leave you now. Wouldn't want to disrupt the tour. Sorry about the shoulder. Best of luck to you."
"Oh okay goodbye."

I watched as the bird left and flew gracefully over the trees and out of view. I just had a conversation with a bird. I am definitely dreaming.

Chiron POV:

I watched as the boy closed his eyes calling presumably a bird of some kind. The next thing I saw was a hawk nosediving out of the sky and holding its wings out to slow its speed and finally landing on the boy's shoulder. I winced as I saw the talons clamp onto the boy's shoulder. Funnily enough, he didn't seem to be hurt but instead looked at the bird in awe.

Then the pain hit him.

He didn't make a sound instead just grabbed his shoulder and fell to the porch. I was wheeling over to help him but I stopped seeing what was happening.

He was making bird chirps. Well, that could mean th- no, well, no. I fought within my head until the bird left and my decision was to wait until he was claimed.

To break me out of my own head I saw Annabeth coming towards the big house.

A/N: I try not to use different POVs in these stories but I thought it would provide some information. If you liked other POVs then tell me and I will be happy to oblige. Have a great day

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