Chapter 25: Now I know why my mother hates you

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Grover and Annabeth walked through the door practically crying from laughter. Remembering the past events brought a smile to my face. Their faces dropped, however, when they saw Percy with a puzzled look on his face.

"What did he say?" Annabeth asked
"Not much." Percy's stomach growled, "Come on let's go find dinner." I didn't protest as my stomach felt emptier than my cabin.

Minutes later we found ourselves inside a diner. I sat down at a booth next to Annabeth overlooking most of the restaurant. There were families eating burgers and the like.

Finally, a waitress came over and raised an eyebrow at us, "Well?"

"We want to order dinner." Great one, Percy.

"Can you pay for it?"

Percy looked like he was coming up with an entire plot line to get us dinner but before he could say anything I felt, what I thought, was an earthquake.

I looked out the window and saw a motorcycle the size of a deer and two shotgun holsters. I immediately looked down at my necklace but didn't see anything. What the- Oh No! I forgot to grab it from the arch!

I was interrupted from panicking by heavy footsteps arriving at our table. I looked up and saw one of the most muscular people I have ever seen. I started looking at him from the bottom up. He was dressed in almost all red including his glasses. He wore fingerless gloves that had spikes at the end of each knuckle. I got to his face and it looked like someone who would punch someone and then run for the teacher. I immediately got the feeling that I wanted to punch him and then fill him with arrows. The odd thing was that it felt like someone I knew.

"You kids have money to pay for that?" The waitress repeated as if she forgot the last 20 seconds of her life.

"It's on me." The man said

He then chose to sit down. Right next to me. He shoved his way onto the booth and squeezed me and Annabeth against the door.
"Sorry," I whispered.

The man looked back up and saw that the waitress was still standing there gaping at him

"You still here?" He asked rhetorically, then pointed at her. She stiffened and turned around as if she was a puppet being controlled by invisible strings and marched back to the kitchen.

This guy was starting to annoy me. The urge to shoot him with arrows grew the longer I was in his presence.

"So, let me guess." He pointed to Annabeth. "Brainiac." My left fist clenched tightly getting ready to punch his head off.

I felt a weight get added to my left forearm. I looked over and saw that Annabeth had put her hand on it.

He pointed to me next.
"Bird boy." Oddly enough. I didn't feel any annoyance about that one. It was like a 2nd-grade insult

The man then pointed to Percy.
"Seaweed's kid, huh?"

"What is it to you?"

Annabeth then shot her eyes over to Percy.
"Percy, this is-"

The man raised his hand up.
"No, no. It's fine. I like a little bit of attitude, as long as you know who the boss is. You know who I am little cousin?"

A look of realization passed over him
"You're Clarisse's dad, right? Ares, god of war."

The same wave that hit Percy then hit me, I was stunned like a deer in headlights. That's why I thought I knew him. Clarissa had almost the exact face as him. No wonder they were so punchable. Wait. What am I saying?

Ares then grinned at the words and removed his shades but instead of eyes, they were balls of fire inside empty sockets. Not gonna lie. It was intimidating.

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