Another defeat. But before they can try to find my identity, I fled and demorphed somewhere secluded. I know with the defeats, Mother is more angry and disappointed. She probably isn't pleased for me to somewhat bring her up. I don't blame her if she wants to discard me. I'm suppose to be evil, I'm suppose to conquer earth. I'm—
"Violet?" A voice called out.
I didn't respond, ignoring them. I hate having to cry and show emotion. I don't want anyone to see me weak and vulnerable.
"Violet, it's me. Jason." Jason spoke softly.
Jason? Now I'm more terrified. I scoot away out of fear.
"Whoa hey easy." Another voice mentioned.
I looked up for a moment to see Jason and the rangers. They're all demorphed.
"What are you doing here?"
"We were just having a picnic." Kim lied.
"But we overheard some crying and went to investigate." Zack replied.
I didn't say anything, I can see it all in their eyes.
"Is it your Mom again?" Jason asked in concern.
I nodded. I need to continue playing along. Play as some innocent damsel in distress. They all felt sad.
"Have you told her?" Billy asked.
I shook my head.
"It doesn't work that way: she's very stubborn and would do anything to get what she wants." I explained.
They nodded.
"Well care to join us? Maybe it'll cheer you up." Jason offered with a smile.
After everything: they're still nice and offering me to join them for picnic? I look at them with hesitation. I know I said I need to play along but I just can't help to feel guilty for everything. But I know that if I betrayed my Mother and told them the truth and that I am the silver ranger: I would lose my purpose as her puppet and she would discard me like the monsters she create to try defeat them.
"I... I'm sorry." I said fleeing the scene.
"Wait!" Jason called out.
But it's too late, I'm running quick to "home,"
I had sat in my room. Mother figured to use the "monster," that would play as my fake Mom to "care" for me. But I know my real Mother would be watching and I can't see her when I'm most vulnerable. I'm hugging a pillow while I'm trying to do homework still. I had been made to be smart and intelligent like her so all these subjects for this school was a breeze. I had the radio going and heard them talk about the rangers. A lot of them gloat about the rangers.
And I don't blame them. All of them are good fighters and good people. Although I do find Jason cute but that's it. I know if I had feelings: it would make things even more complicated and Mother very angry if she found out. I heard a ring from my phone that I had got when I arrived here. When I checked the number, it was Jason. My hands were shaking when I saw Jason's name. I hit decline and put phone down, only to hear; "Hello? Violet? Are you there?"
Dang it, I hit accept by accident. I quickly grabbed it.
"Hey..." I weakly said.
"Hey, why did you run off earlier? Are you okay?"
I sighed. Another clue to leave and let him and hopefully get the message.
"...Jason. Can I ask you something?"

Marionette || Jason Scott x OC
FanfictionVida is the creation of Rita to use and conquer earth. Only thing is Vida is nothing like her creator and wants to be a ranger and had admired Jason for quite some time now. One day she had the opportunity to be a "spy," for her mother: but will she...