"Chapter Twenty Two"

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Few days later...

It's been a few days after the battle and me dying and reviving. All of us decided to take a break from the ranger stuff for awhile. Though I did warn them it isn't over because of Scorpina and Rito are out there somewhere. Including Squatt and Babboo.

My biological parents are slowly adjusting. I had sat by the tube where Zordon's face would usually appear. It's been quiet without him.

"Master?" Vi's voice called out.

I put Alpha into temporarily sleep mode, he definitely needed a break. I forgot I can't turn off Vi as she's part of the center's controls now.

"Master... While you and others had been... on hiatus." She spoke, trying to find the right words in her processor, "I had sensed... something."

No surprise it's either Rito or Scorpina. Probably to seek revenge on them... on me.

"If it's about them — then it's sooner than I anticipated." I said sadly.

"No, you've mistaken me, master." She said as she pressed her hand on the tube, "I sensed... a very faint life force from Zordon."

He's alive?!

"...get the rangers and wake up Alpha."

"I can't do that, master. You wouldn't be pleased as to what I'm about to say next."

I clenched my hand into a fist.

"You have to use your life force to bring him back..."

Much as I want Zordon to be back so I can give him so many apologies. I had already died once and the tears of the sorcerer and sorceress had somehow brought me back to life. While I'm still not exactly comfortable with Zedd and Rita living here as humans, they're still my parents.

Then I realized something, had one or both of them come back, they're gonna try to redo everything starting with them. I got up.

"Master? What is on your mind?"

"I hate to be a hypocrite but, I have to try erase their memories of when they were evil." I said, changing the subject.

But I feel so drained at the same time. I would turn Alpha back on.

"That was good sleep!"

"Alpha I hate having to break your hiatus but... I need your help with something."

"Of course! Anything for the silver Ranger!" Alpha said gleefully.

"Master I don't think that would be good. As the probability of it being successful is 90.99%"

"What is she talking about?" Alpha asked.

"Alpha, as you already remembered, Scorpina or Rito... or both of them can come back. The first thing I know they're gonna do is change Rita and Zedd both back to evil." I explained.

"Ay ay ay! We should get the rangers!" Alpha cried.

"For something like this? No. Leave them be. Plus I know I'm supposed to not do anything at all and I hate to ask you for this."

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