"Chapter Fourteen"

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Next day, it was time. But instead of just standing in plain sight: I've gave orders to Finster in another room. While moving in, I found a basement. I've decided to "hide" out there while Finster has to work upstairs. The only thing I've moved is the ball to watch over Jason and the monsters.

He's still fighting through. But I can tell he's slowed down a lot since it's been nonstop fighting and he's getting tired. He's still calling out to me by that wretched name. I've only purposely ignored him.

"Miss, I've sent out the first monster." Finster spoke from the communicator. I would then make focus on the monster Finster created.

It looked like your average human teenager. I know I could take over this as Finster gave me full control over this monster/puppet. From I can tell, this monster is playing the facade like I did. Except moreso cocky. I flinched to see Bulk and Skull take an immediate liking. I already can tell this immediately frustrated the monster.

"Don't worry about them, you can frighten them outside of school. Just worry about the rangers and getting either Billy or Trini."

The monster didn't say a word in response: not giving away that they're working for me. They made a secret signal, signaling they've heard me and they understood. I know this plan might not work since you can't fool them twice. While planning, I would feel someone's presence behind me. I swiftly turned around as I felt grabbed. What the—?!


After being charged early morning, I had to set out to save my real self on my own. I know where she is. And although I'm a mere hologram.

"What do you want?" She said, "how did you—"

I only held up the device I carried.

" I know it isn't part of the plan but... Violet." I began, "listen—"

"NO YOU LISTEN!" Violet would try to snatch the device, "I AM YOUR CREATOR! YOU DO AS I SAY!"

Hm... seems like her memory of building me was in tact. But had it been fabricated like the memories she had with the rangers?

"You may be my creator, but I know this isn't the creator I know." I admit, "you must stop this."

"So what? I can deactivate you."

I didn't say a word and Violet stood there with the cold look in her eyes. I thought for a brief moment.

"...Violet is this a facade?" I would ask.

"A facade?" She asked with an eyebrow raised, "I must've not programmed you enough to know the truth."

I didn't say anything. Calculating how to get the antidote injected without her knowing.

"And I'm guessing by now after you've uploaded the recordings to Center's database, you've been set to almost pilot mode."

I know real Violet doesn't have a thing on her neck like I do. I would pull up her memories and everything trying to get her to see. Violet slowly approached.

"Hey you know—"

No... she can't. I made loud noises while walking back. But instead she walked forward.

"You've kind of the person I was going to deactivate anyways since I don't need you to help the rangers anymore. You've been retired." She said grinning as she kept walking.

I kept walking back, each time I calculate a way out of this and make real Violet herself again — everything comes up with an error. I know I walked into danger but I can't let her take an another ranger. I can't let her be like this. Finally, I saw the opportunity to jump back, running towards the crystal ball.

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