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As I watch the defeat of the monsters that... she would send. Her henchmen would try to comfort her. But I was silently rooting for them. I have kept my silence and watched.

"Vida, you should comfort your mother!!"

...Yes. Rita is my mother. But only because she created me to eventually to become her weapon of destruction.

"You'll get them next time, Mother!" I would try to fake through it all.

The only thing she failed was trying to make me like her. Mother grumbles and cries still as Goldar, Squatt, and her other merry henchman comforted her. As I was about to walk away, Goldar turned towards me.

"Where are you going?"

"Training. If you guys want me to prepare to defeat them." I said in a fake evil tone.

"Ah! I have an idea, my queen!"

...Of course. What does great Ol' Finister's ideas now?

"We can use Vida! She can spy and befriend the rangers and give us their weakness that would help destroy them!"

Mother immediately and kept saying "yes yes that's perfect!" She would turn towards me.

"Vida! I need you to pretend to be human and befriend the rangers!"

Well... I do have my purpose now instead of just waiting and having mother continue using spells to increase my power.

"Hm... Mother, do you have an extra power coin?"

Mother immediately read my mind.

"Yes! You can be the next Silver ranger!"

Looks like my journey might begin.



After arriving to the youth center with my friends I see a girl behind the counter, cleaning the cups. Probably a new girl that Stone hired. But then Bulk and Skull approached.

"Hey, new girl! Why don't you make us the smoothies?" Bulk demanded.

"Easy there, bulk we have to—"

"I'll get to it in a moment." She said sternly.

"Hey, what's the big idea harassing her like that?" Zack said.


After convincing the owner I'm new and need a job, he took me in immediately. And I see the rangers my mother wanted me to target had walked in. Even though I can break these two's arms if I want to— I need to play damsel in distress to catch their attention. 

Tommy took a step forward.

"Yeah, let her do her job."

Jason nodded in agreement.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Jason took a step forward. I can't remember what he said but it made the two back off. Kimberly approached.

"I'm sorry— they're always like that when new kids are around."

I smiled.

"Thank you, though." I said towards her and the rangers.

"What's your name?"

Shoot... I can't let them know I'm Vida. I gotta get creative.

"Violet." I said off the top of my head.

"Well Violet, can you get us..."

Later, again...

After finishing my shift I was able to ease myself gaining their trust a bit. I hate having to do this to them but... I want to feel like I'm worth something. Mother did create me herself after all.

"Violet, right?" A voice spoke out to me as I just flinched.

"Yeah, that's me." I turned around to see Jason.

"Oh... yeah. Jason I presume."

He nodded.

"Yeah. The gang and I wanted to show you around Angel Grove since you've moved here."

I nodded. And then I realized something: if Mother and her henchmen wants me to stay and "spy," on the rangers, where am I going to stay? I can't just teleport back to the Moon every night.

"What do you say?" Jason warmly smiled.

Before I can open my mouth: the TV that was going on in the background had broadcasted a news report.

"Breaking news, a mass group of monsters has appeared in Angel grove!" One of the news reporters spoke.

This caught Jason's and his friend's attention, I knew that it was my calling. While they were distracted, I had went to the bathroom to go to a stall.

"Giganotosaurus!" I shoutout my call before transforming and teleported to where mother's one monster had spawned.

Marionette || Jason Scott x OCWhere stories live. Discover now