"Chapter Five"

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I had slept in, I only woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said in a groggy voice.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Trini spoke with a laugh.

I rubbed my eyes.

"What's up?"

"So I had talked to my parents... they're gonna allow you to stay with us." She beamed before continuing, "and I have overheard Zordon's message last night about Rita."

Right... how she's planning to attack or use Jason.

"Yeah..." I said tiredly.

"I mean it's obvious—"

"Trini, look. I don't feel the same way. I am confused as to why he would have a crush on me after everything I've done." I paused, "although I've redeemed myself and became a ranger, I just don't understand how he still likes me; Even when I was Rita's puppet and tried to befriend you guys to find your weaknesses for Rita to use as an advantage." I went on with my rambling.

"Love happens. It happens to anyone at any given moment." Trini paused, "although I can understand your confusion since you were Rita's puppet after all."

"Yeah because I'm suppose to have no emotion and be evil. But I feel emotion and I feel regret."

I yawned.

"Anyways I need some more sleep."

"Alright, do you want me to relay the message?"

"No, I'll take care of it."

"No I mean, I'll cover for you. Say you're exhausted and need a day in bed."

That could work... I definitely need it... if Rita doesn't cause any trouble.

"That could do, thanks..." I said as I yawned.

"Alright I'll come by later. You get some rest." Trini said as I hung up.

Instead of falling back to sleep, I had a bit of second wind. I guess I'll try to do something to make me go back to sleep for now...


I had spent my day at home. Zordon has told me and other rangers about what Rita is planning... and of course my obvious feelings for Violet has come out. I know she was the bad guy and all but she redeemed herself. Even if I was conflicted because she was Rita's puppet.

But now she's a Silver Giganotosaurus ranger on our team. I get to see more of the true Violet when she betrayed Rita and joined us. That's where I confirmed I was in love with her. Only matter is if she likes me back.

I was hanging out with my dad until my own phone rings. I assumed it was Violet calling to talk. Only it was Trini.

"Hey, Jason."

"Hey, Trini what's up?"

"I know I'd promise to keep you and the rangers updated but... my parents are going to finally let Violet stay with me."

I warmly smiled.

"That's great. Do you still need any help?"

"It'll just be me and her, she's exhausted."

I see. It is the weekend after all.

"Alright. Thanks for keeping me updated."

"Of course, Jason." Trini spoke with a smile.

But then the communicator went off. I had moved to my room.

"What's up, Zordon?"

"Jason, Rita has Violet."

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