"Chapter One"

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After my friends and I had morphed, we had arrived to downtown Angel Grove where the putties were located. After we thought it was all of them, but then I saw... a large zord.

"Whoa! What's that?" I pointed out to see what it seems a Giganotosaurus zord.

Then I looked to see no one inside it... yet. I looked around until I saw... a silver female ranger with a lyre. She must be the one controlling it.

"Another ranger!?" Tommy shouts out.

"We might have another Tommy situation in our hands!" Trini commented.

"We have to stop her!" Kim about as well.

Although I wish I could talk and show mercy to this ranger. If it's someone who's cursed by Rita then we have to break it. I had to think strategically where the sword of darkness or any other item on her. All I can think of is that lyre... but the way she's using it— it's controlling the zord so it's not possible.

"What should we do?"

"We should at least get her tired first!"


I had used the lyre to play the melody to control the zord. I didn't want to do this. But since Mother sent backup and is rather being foolish about it. She created me for evil...

I looked at the zords all combined. I didn't spoke much trying to strategically make them tired and vulnerable. Didn't expect this all happen in the same day. With each punch our zords through, it proved both zords are equally strong and I can see their resilience and optimism.

But when the fight continued, I knew I was out of ideas and it caught me off guard with them fighting still. I know I couldn't win. Mother wouldn't be too pleased. I just flinched and was ready to accept my fate...

...Until I opened my eyes and see I'm back at the Moon base.

"Mother!" I cried.

She's grumbling and being frustrated while her henchmen were comforting her... again. Her henchmen and Goldar awaited for me to speak and comfort her.

"Can we try again, Mother? I need more time to get their weaknesses." I spoke.

"She is right: my queen. We must give her more time."

I put my finger up, the henchmen went silent.

"If I have to be a spy and act like a regular teenager, I need somewhere to stay. I can't keep coming here or it'll draw suspicions."

Mother had stopped crying and was listening. She was back to her normal self before evilly grinning. Her telescope leads to a random home.

"And I can make you a fake mother monster!!" Mother gleamed.

I nodded. I guess plan b is going to happen... I teleported to the house and had found myself in. If I have to become a teen and become like any ordinary teen, I need to do research more. I have to also enroll in school as well... there's a lot to do.

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