I would walk through the streets of Angel Grove.
"Hey, Rita! Zedd! If you want me so badly! Come here then!" I yelled out, taunting to them.
All the memories flood through me. All the memories of me being created, hating every single minute of being the puppet, being able to come here under the guise of "getting the rangers' weaknesses," but end up backstabbing both sides twice...
"Well well, look who finally showed up." Goldar said as I looked up.
"Hello, general." I paused, "Actually scratch that, the puppet."
Goldar growled for a moment.
"So you finally made the right choice? Or are you going to betray your parents again?"
"I've made a choice, yes." I leaned forward, getting into my fighting position, "I'm here to fight."
Goldar laughed.
"Pathetic, you've grown soft just as you were when you first betrayed us."
"Just shut up and fight."
"Is your little ranger friends and boyfriend gonna come to your rescue?"
"No. I figure to make things fair, now cut the chit chat."
"Feisty we are, but a fight is what you want. A fight what is you gonna get." Goldar said as we began to spar.
Since of his extensive training and every single time I lose and end up injured and bruised, I got back up to practice and know when to dodge and know Goldar's, Zedd's, and Rita's moves. Though, the choice I'm making — I have to hold back.
Goldar could never kill me prior. Had he would, Rita and Zedd would've turned him to dust by now. Though before I go along... I have to say one final thing—
"Goldar— you know we don't need to be enemies. We don't have to fight."
"Weren't you begging a fight? Why giving up?"
"I'm not. I am trying to make you realize—"
Then a single slash is all what it took. Goldar laughed while Zedd and Rita would show up.
"You idiot!" Zedd and Rita said in synch.
"I didn't—"
Things were whoozy. I saw the rangers appeared... looks like Billy and Trini figured a way around the forcefield.
"VIOLET!" The rangers cried.
I weakly smiled.
We were too late. Goldar took one powerful blow on Violet as she attempted to try reason and make him realize that he's on the wrong side. I immediately speed towards Violet and held her in my arms. Her body was trembling. All of us looked at each other and knew what to do now: protect and try to save Violet and save Earth for once and for all.
Tommy moved me close by and I would watch all the battle going on. I would've transformed — but I don't have the energy. Everything sounded so distant and my vision got blurry. I looked up to the skies for a brief moment. I have to do this — this is my fight. Not theirs. I have to...
"Vida!" A voice cried out.
I held onto the wound Goldar left on me. I looked up to see Rita calling out for me. Why does it sound... like she's calling out to me as if a worried mother...?

Marionette || Jason Scott x OC
FanfictionVida is the creation of Rita to use and conquer earth. Only thing is Vida is nothing like her creator and wants to be a ranger and had admired Jason for quite some time now. One day she had the opportunity to be a "spy," for her mother: but will she...