"Chapter Four"

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Next morning...

I had got up and ready for school. Trini was the first to come get me and Zack was with her. But I didn't went to be a burden but they insisted. After arriving, per usual Bulk and Skull with the usual antiques. Kim had been able to defend herself but would have Tommy, her friends, including me.

...Right. You might be wondering why I waited to see Zordon last night. You see: because I'm Rita's puppet, I know she would have some backup plan and I needed Zordon's opinion as well some help on something. I am reluctant to tell them... since I have fear the outcome. I took a deep breath after the class bell rings and went to class with the gang.

After school...

I've had to still work at the youth center but even if I should be celebrating from yesterday; I can't help to shake this other feeling. Kim, Tommy, Billy... most aren't here and off doing their own things but not sure about Jason.

Once more Bulk and Skull have every chance to try harass me but I ignore them, already in my own little world. I heard the doors open and turned towards the doors... to see Jason in his gym uniform. I looked away and went back to the table.

"Hey, Violet." Jason greets as he approached.

"Hey, Jason. Thought you'd be busy."

He shook his head.

"Nah. Figured to be on the mat."

The only thing that's also concerning too: is how quiet Mo—Rita is. She hasn't sent an daily putty patrol or any other monster. I leaned in a bit.

"Is it me or is it too quiet around here?" I whispered to Jason.

He nodded.

"Yeah, it is..." He whispered back.

"You shouldn't be flirting on the job, sweetheart!" Bulk said towards me.


"Can it, you two." Jason said defensively.

I would then grab a glass, "you want anything?"

"Not right now, thanks." Jason paused, "come join me on the mat? You still haven't shown me your potential."

I laughed. Although Jason knows how I fight since we used to fight against each other... but now fighting side by side?

"I can't. Work." I remind.

He sighs.

"Yeah, you're right. What time you finish?"

"In a hour."

He smiled.

"I'll ask in a hour." He replied as he would walk towards the mat.

What's this warm, fuzzy feeling? I shook my head before I went to clean the cups and work on the orders.


After I had clocked out, I began to stretch.

"Hey, Violet."

I turned towards Jason.

"Hey, Jason."

"I did ask you in a hour after your shift so..."

I chuckled.

"Fine. But can't say I warned you." I said as I joined him on the mat.

He gets in his stance while I did as well. Although I'm not Rita's puppet, I can still hear Goldar's voice screeching in my head when he was my teacher. Jason let me take the first punch and he would defend. Hm.

"Not bad." Jason compliments.

"Don't let your guard down just yet."

Although Goldar taught me to harm them... I only tried to go easy. I didn't want to hurt him. He's my friend now after all. Jason had defeated me for this round.

"You looked like you're holding back." Jason responded.

I had stretched and was gonna grab my belongings. I looked at him in the eye for a moment. He didn't say a word, grabbing his bag.

"Need a ride?" He asked politely, changing the subject.

I nod.

"Yeah, thanks..." I said as he nods as he took me to his car.

"You still live at the abandoned place?"

"Yeah not sure if Trini asked her family yet or is trying to convince them."

Jason nodded as he puts the key in the ignition.

"She'll get back to you soon, I know it." He said with a warm smile.

I nodded. I leaned back as he drives. And I blacked out....

Later... (I apologize for the many skips)


I woke up and we're already at my place.

"Oh... sorry."

Jason warmly smiled.

"It's no problem."

I got out but Jason called out, "wait!" I turned towards him.

"Do you want someone to stay with you? You know to keep you company."

I know Rita is watching everything from her telescope I can picture her reaction.

"Ah! Jason's weakness is he has a crush on Vida!"

And then her using it to her advantage. I can't let her do that.

"I'll be fine... thanks." I said with a frown.

Jason nodded.

"Well you have my number to contact me if anything happens."

I nodded as he drives off, I went to my room immediately but instead of sleeping. I used the communicator.

"Zordon, is it me or does it seem Rita seem very quiet today?" I had talked towards the communicator.

"Yes, as you guessed it. She's plotting something. And she's definitely plotting something against Jason because of his crush on you."

As excepted.

"What should we do?"

"We'll have to stop her before she does anything. I will let the rangers know."

Then the communication went dead. I sighed before I thought what Zordon said.

Because of his crush on you.

So... Jason's weakness is me? But why? I know I've redeemed myself but did he fall for me when I was trying to be the villain? I really don't understand... I only sighed before closing my eyes and falling asleep...

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