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"MONSTERS UNIVERSITY is anyone getting off?"

The bus driver shouted down the bus alerting you and you made sure you got all her things then groggily got up, smiling excitedly. You could hardly sleep the night before because of how eager you were to go to her new university and study scaring.

You got up right before a one-eyed little monster who decided to make a speech, You couldn't help but let out a small laugh while he said "Phil, keep using ointment till that thing goes away, I wish you all the best, thank you so much!"

The bus lady leaned over "I'm welling with tears, now get off."

You both got off and he looked up to you and said "Hey i'm mike Wazowski, scaring major, and you are?"

"[Y/N], i'm actually also a scaring major so it's good to have some friends already, thought i was gonna be lonely," you joked.

He reached out his hand for you to shake, which she did and they went off their way admiring the place and talking about random things.

"So why did you want to become a scarer mike?" you asked

"Ever since I went to monsters inc, I saw how Frank McCay scared and I immediately knew I wanted to become one, he actually gave me this hat!"

"Wait wait wait! You've met Frank McCay!? And i thought you weren't aloud to go over the line in monsters inc because of toxic children?"

"Yea but i sort of broke the rules, but in the end it worked out, also yes i have met him," he smiled widely as a monster walked up to us while mike was looking at his clipboard

"Hey there, freshman's. I'm Jay the R.A., and i'm here to say that registration is that way!" Jay said.

"Okay, Jay," mike said

"Have a great first day," you waved back at Jay and bid goodbye while mike and you went to the registration.

Once we got there a 3 eyed monster greeted you and mike.

"Hey, I'm Kay!" Here's your orientation packet." she handed the package to both you and mike

"Thanks Kay!" Mike responded as i nodded ion agreement

"You can drop your bags off here and get your picture taken with trey."

you went in before mike to get my picture taken and was met with a slug monster who you knew as trey. You sat down and he looked into the camera and said,

"Say Hooray!"

"Hooray?" you said

Mike went in after you but you got your card before him and god... you actually looked quite good in the photo, normally for these types of photos you would be caught off guard and then make the ugliest face (not on purpose) but damn you looked fine.

Mike came out after you and you glanced at his.

"I cant believe it,"

You thought he was gonna be sad since you could only see half of his head so you spoke up "gee, mike i-"

"I'm officially a college student!" he cut you off and cheered, you smiled thanking the gods he wasn't sad about it.

Another monster who you immediately knew was i guide since she was bringing lots of monsters and announced that she was going to give everyone an orientation tour on this 'perfect day.'

You and the other monsters entered a lab building where students learn to build doors to the human world.

"Looks like the professor is about to test a door!" Fay, who was our tour guide spoke as everyone leaned against the wall looking at it."

The door opened to see a blonde haired little girl sleeping peacefully, you glanced over to mike.

"So you've seen that close up?"

"Yep! It's so cool," he replied

"Wow" was all you answered with.

Then you entered the cafeteria.

"The MU cafeteria serves a full buffet, three meals a day." you looked around to see all the monsters either eating and talking with their friends or getting food, Fay then continued "I personally believe we have some of the best chefs in the world." you saw a cafeteria lady pour trash on the food and monsters immediately ran to get some.

Finally we went outside. You looked around the place and studied where the best places would be to skateboard. You had a weird obsession with using anything other then your feet to go places since 1, it was faster and 2, it was funner, work smarter not harder.

"The campus offers a wide variety of majors, but the crown jewel of MU is the scaring school." Fay said, some monsters gasped then followed fay once again, you noticed mike admiring it so you went over to him.

"Yep, take a good look at where you will be studying, pretty cool hm?"

"Facts," he replied, still in awe about it.

After the tour Mike and you went around the place until you saw an area where you can participate in games and join clubs.

"Welcome to the debate team, we're happy to have you." the two headed monster said as the pink monster was about to take a flier.

"I disagree for the following reasons," the other head replied, now blabbering, then scaring off the pink monster.

You grimaced and thought "Yea no, not that one,"

"Hey there!" a one eyed monster with a really long neck said "keep your eye on the sky at the Astronomy club!"

As much as you knew about astronomy because you used to have a best friend that was addicted to it, you still thought no.

So far you weren't convinced and your mind "Hey, hey, hey! Come join the Improv Club. You'll wish you were a... Never... Always... Ah, dang it!"

You smiled mischievously at his messing up "funny"

You and Mike continued to walk until you came to a halt when you heard "MU's Greek Council. We sponsor the annual scare games."

You turned around in a flash, you have heard of the scare games and damn well you are going to go check it out "THE SCARE GAMES?!" you asked excitedly as Mike followed you since he was also interested.

"THE SCARE GAMES!" A bird-like monster shouted "A super-intense Scaring competition."

"They're crazy dangerous, so anything could happen."

"A bunch of guys went to the hospital last year!"

"No way," you laughed.

"Yes way, you could totally die." the goth monster said and you smirked, it sounds like tons of fun.

"And it's worth it!" the bird monster jumped in "You get a chance to prove you are the best!"

You got a flier and mike looked at his "cool," he said as you nodded.

"Very," you added "cmon mike lets go get our dorms!" you say as you and him start to walk off to the dorm building.


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