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The first monster was up on the stage and had a light shined on them, professor knight asked them what scare to use, they then go inside the simulator and scare, seems easy enough, you kind of zoned out while a book in your hands but you came back into reality when the door opened. You looked behind you to see the ROR's emerged through the door and placed Sulley's jacket on the seat in front of them.

"Yep he wont get that back AHGHAAH" you laughed internally.

You stared back at your book again and you didn't really just read it, you were just thinking of what you're gonna get... and what you're gonna do once you get out of this class. You notice Sullivan stand up and come over, he then knocks down Mike's books.

"Hey, do you mind?" mike looked over at Sullivan

"Don't mind at all," Sullivan smirked and then started to roar.

"Come on, mike. Let's just move." Randy said clearly trying to study, what a good boy.

"Stay out if my way. Unlike you, i had to work hard to get into the scaring program."

"Ha, thats because you don't belong here"

You glanced over to Sullivan "tough talk for a guy who's not gonna pass."

"I am, and ill do a way better job than you ever will," Sullivan added

"Be for real, you haven't even studied" you laughed then went off to sit with randy, you noticed mike throw his books on the floor and have a scaring match, they were getting louder and you noticed that the dean also noticed them and looked down. Sullivan tripped over a book and ran into dean hardscrabble scaring canister.

"Grab it!" you whisper yelled.

It fell to the ground and everyone gasped, the scream started spilling out of it, it banged into the walls, the lights became blinding and it almost hit lots of people, it came behind you and you turned around then dodged it in the nick of time, you tried to grab it but it was too fast and banged into the floor then broke.

The dean flew down and walked up to the canister then picked it up, she walked around and showed everyone, randy disappeared as well, same randy... same.

"Im so sorry" mike said sounding devastated

"Yea it was an accident"

"Ahh there in deep shit," you shuttered

"what , this? My on souvenir from a lifetime of Scaring?" she then continued with a calm smile "accidents happen, don't they. The important thing is no one got hurt."

"You're taking this remarkably well" mike spoke

"Now, let's continue the exams. Mr. Wazowski, i'm a five year old girl on a farm in Kansas afraid of lightning which scare do you use?" dean hardscrabble asked

"Shouldn't I go up on the..."

"Which Scare do you use?"

"That is a shadow approach, with a crackle holler"

"Demonstrate" mike started but then was stopped "Stop.Thank you"

"But I didn't get to-"

"I've seen enough" she said as mike gave a :( face

She turned to Sullivan "Im a seven year old boy-"

Sullivan roared loudly at her without even hearing the description

"I wasn't finished" she frowned

"I don't need to know any of that stuff to scare." he said

"That "stuff" would've informed you that this particular child is afraid of snakes. So a roar wouldn't make him scream, it would make him cry, alerting his parents, exposing the monster world, destroying life as we know it, and of course we cant have that. So i'm afraid i cannot recommend that you continue in the scaring program. Good day." she then left him.

"Wait what?" Sullivan laughed nervously "But i'm a Sullivan."

"Well then, i'm sure your family will be very disappointed"

You heard footsteps retreating and looked up to see the ROR's leaving, Sullivan glared at mike then stormed off, murmuring was heard through the building while he grunted and left.

"Ha, called it," you smirked then frowned when you heard dean talking to mike "oh no..."

"and , Mr Wazowski, what you lack is something that cannot be taught. You're not scary, you will not be continuing in the scarring program.

"Please. Let me try the simulator, i'll surprise you." mike begged.

"Surprise me? I doubt that very much," the dean then left leaving a sad tennis ball.

It had been about half an hour since the whole incident, you still haven't been called up and you finally got your attention in the book, you also heard the ROR's come back in to look for other new recruits.

"[Y/N] [L/N]" you looked up then stood up trying to hide your trembling hands, you did a power walk on the stage because you thought if you walked fast enough they wont see your legs trembling. Anyway, you got up on the stage and got asked the million dollar question.

"[Y/N] [L/N], i'm a 6 year old girl in a townhouse in birmingham scared of centipedes and snakes, what scare do you use?" professor knight asked

You thought for a hot minute because everything you learned seemed to disappear, you glanced up at the ROR's well, specifically johnny who intertwined his fingers and smirked with his arms resting on his knees.

"Um, thats a creeping crawl with a hiss"


You entered the room and did a slow crawl, the dummy got up and looked around while you tap your fingers on the end of the bed to make a sound that sounds like a centipede, the dummy, now "weary" looked around more, you got every single strength in your body to jump up and hiss, the dummy screamed.

"Results will be posted outside my office," professor knight said in a stoic voice with a poker face so it was hard to read him, obviously. you went off the stage and saw randy smiling.

"Wow [Y/N]! You did so well! You should have seen yourself up there, like a true scarer, you definitely passed!" Randy cheered

"Really? Thank you so much, I was so nervous, I felt like my whole body was in an earthquake. ''You rubbed your arm then hugged Randy who was shocked at first but then hugged back.

Once the exam was finished, you and Randy went out talking, "Hey! Randy was it?" you and randy both turned around to see the ROR's, Randy smiled while you just groaned.

"heh , yes i am! What do you need?" randy said excitedly, he was finally getting in with the "cool kids" which don't get me wrong, you were happy about it but you wish they were at least nicer.

"We saw how you were scaring out there, you got some real talent freshman, how about you join the ROR's, what do you say?"

You saw randy's eyes light up as he said "Yes!"

Johnny's eyes moved towards "what about you [Y/N]?"

You laughed, "i'll consider it if you buy me a new skateboard,"

"So...?" you scoffed and rolled your eyes, if he is being for real just kill me already, you turned around and took your leave.

The ROR's laughed "man she hates us!" Chet laughed.

"Yep," johnny nodded his head, eyes not ever leaving you.

An hour went by in a flash and you heard a knock on the door, you opened to find Randall, "HEy the scores are up!"

You guys ran to the office cheering excitedly, once you there you looked for your name

[Y/N] [L/N]: 18, passed

You cheered and you also found Randalls and pointed to it to help him since he couldn't really see well because he took his glasses off, my guy needs contacts. He got an 18.5 - which means he passed and you guys cheered and high five'd each other.


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