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You were against the other side of the tree that Sullivan was on, watching mike instruct the Oozma's on what to do for the next event

"Okay! Listen up, Oozmas. Now we're gonna have to start winning these things together, so that means i'm going to need each of you guys to pill your own weight."

"He sure is bossy isn't he Sulley?" you glanced over to him

"Tell me about it" he rolled his eyes as you both watched squishy give a piece of paper to mike.

"We've made a list of our strengths and weaknesses!" he smiled.

"In high school, i was the master of the silent scare," don got to the ground and pulled his tentacles off and on the floor in a crawling motion "i could sneak up on a field mouse in a pillow factory," the tentacled made loud squishing noises as he said so you raised an eyebrow. "Sorry! They get stickier when i'm sweaty... oh my gosh that's terrible"

"Were experts in the ancient craft of close-up magic." Terry and Terri started to play with cards as they disappeared "it's all about misdirection." the cards came out of the other side of the sweater. Terry glared at Terri and shook his head.

"I have an extra toe," Art laughs, "not with me, of course."

"Guys, one slip-up on the next event, and were goners. So for this to work, I'm gonna take every instinct you have and bury it deep, deep down,'' Mike said as he crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it away.


"From now on, we are one mind. My mind."

"Oh, please," Sullivan scoffed.

"Yea, that's something I'm definitely not gonna follow through with" you sighed as Sullivan nodded in agreement.

"I will tell you exactly what to do, and how to do it."

"Uh.. okay mike. Seems about right." they all said.

"All right. Give me scary steps. Fifty up and down, right now. Let's go!" Mike commanded as they did what he asked.

You and Sullivan came up to mike.

"You're wasting your time," Sullivan started.

"We need a new team, sorry," you frowned as you looked up at them.

Mike scoffed "we can't just "GeT A NeW TeAm"! I checked this morning it's against the rules."

You groaned

"What if we disguised the new team as the old team?" Sullivan suggested.

"That would not work out 💀" you replied

"Oh, no, no. We are not cheating." Mike stated.

"It's not cheating, i'm just, you know, leveling the playing field"

You and Mike raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay so it's kind of cheating," Sulley exclaimed "but what do you want me to do? They're not exactly the scariest group in the world."

You all turned to them to see them looking at a ladybug and making a wish.

You laughed "aww, they're cute, give them a chance, you never know, the tables could turn."

Sullivan sighed "this is not going to work." he started to walk off and mike turned to him.

"Where are you going? We're training."

"Im a Sullivan."

"That's not enough," you put a hand on your hip.

"Right! You're all over the place, you're charging ahead when you-''Mike got cut off by Sullivan shushing him.

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