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Squishy's mom, mrs. Squibbles, stopped the car right outside a factory place, you all went out of the car and followed mike.

"Thanks, mom" squishy jumped out of the car

"Have fun, kids! I'll just be here listening to my tunes." She wound up the window and put on thrash metal; on the stereo, she is so real for that.

"Hey, uh, where are we?" art asked

"the big leagues." Mike replied.

Monsters inc came into view and you gawked as everyone gasped.

"Nice fence," art admired the fence, you just looked at him blankly.

"This is amazing mike!"

Mike took out a pair of pliers "were not stopping here."

Mike cut out a hole in the fence and you all ran into the shadow of the building, you guys walked up stairs and climbed up the rooftop of the incorporation.

"This is crazy. We're gonna get arrested.!" squishy freaked as mike shushed him up

After climbing a window there was a window looking straight into the scare floor, your team oo'ed.

"Look at them, their going into the human world and they don't even look scared!" squishy exclaimed.

You all watched a scream canister get filled up.

"Take a good look fellas. See what they all have in common?" mike asked

"Uh, no, not really" squishy replied in a confused tone.

"Exactly. There's no one type of scarer. The best scarers use their differences to their advantage." mike finished as the team looked back and studied the monsters.

"Hey look at that old feller racking up the big numbers!" don laughed.

"Don, that old fella is Earl "the terror" Thompson!"

"What, Where? Thats really him?" Sullivan asked.

"He held the scare record for three years!" mike informed.

"Oh! Third door from the end!" Sullivan pointed

"Carla "killer claws" Benitez!"

"I love her so much," you sighed dreamily.

Sulley then pointed at another famous monster "Look! It's "screaming" Bob Gunderson! I still have his rookie card."

"Me too!" Mike nodded and you just smiled at them.

"Doesnt have the speed anymore but his."

"Technique is flawless" mike and Sulley said in unison.

Mike smiled and looked over to Sulley "you collected scare cards, huh?"

"Yep, 450 of them."

"Impressive. I have 6,000 still in mint condition, but, you know, 450 is pretty good, too."

You snorted at mike "ok you nerd, stop bragging," you laughed jokingly.

"Hey look at me! Im Earl "the terror" Thompson. ROAR!" squishy mimicked earls performance as the rest of the team complimented his acting skills.

You were still looking at the monsters when you heard "i've been a real jerk," you turned your head to see Sulley looking down with a sad look.

"So have I." mike stated.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍 | Johnny WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now