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You woke up to your alarm being as loud as ever and 2 texts from Cameron, you woke up looking like shit and got a literal jumpscare when you saw yourself in the stand up mirror. You checked your phone to see the most nicest messages from cameron.

Ass roommate

It felt so different not waking up with you in the same room as me 💔

I miss your ugly ass face when you wake up :(



Yea and i miss waking up to your loud ass snoring before my alarm😢


Ass roommate



You shut off your phone and got yourself fixed up, you put on your fit for the day occupied with your brand new hat. You went outside to see Sullivan and Mike cuddling on the floor and a picture getting taken.

You used this moment to your advantage "wow i thought you guys hated each other, guess i was wrong."

They pushed each other off immediately.

"First morning in the house" squishy smiled

"That's going in the album!" art added.

"Guys! We got a letter!" Don exclaimed excitedly.

"A letter?"

"We never get mail."

Don handed the letter to mike which mike had some trouble with getting since of Don's tentacle but with one yank, he managed to pull it off and open the letter, you glanced over Mike to see.

Mike gasped "it's the first event of the Scare Games." he opened the letter and continued. "A child's room is where you scare, but avoid the toxicity lurking there."

"Wait a minute, where do they want us to meet?" Sullivan asked.

It was now night time and the day passed by very quickly ironically. You were now entering a sewer with your team, Oozma kappa.

"Of all the sewers on campus, this one has always been my favorite." art announced

"Art, you've been here before?" Terry asked concerningly.

"I have a life outside the house,m you know."

"I dont think that's what he meant..." you added.

You got a ping from your pocket and opened it to see a text from cameron.

Ass roommate

Ill be watching the game for you y'know ;)



Thanks for being my number 1 and only supporter


Ass roommate




Screw you all i need is squishy's mom anyway

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