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"Ready positions common crouch."

You were currently in scaring 101 well... learning, you're roommate cameron came home super drunk last night so you had to stay up and help her calm down, she kept spilling secrets and crying one minute then partying the next and it took 1 hour for her to lie down on her bed and pass out, and the time was 2am when that occurred. Anyway, back to the class and whatever professor dinosaur was saying.

"I wanna see matted fur and yellow teeth. Basic snarl." everyone snarled.

"Show me some slobber. Drool is a tool, kids. Use it.'' He stopped in front of Sullivan who roared softly. "Now here is a monster who looks like a scarer." you rolled your eyes, he just looks like a blue kitty, or maybe you were just thinking that because of how much he annoyed you.

Sullivan clicks his tongue at Mike and you while smirking.

You where in the dorm room with cameron, she was getting ready for the party at the Jaws Theta Chi frat house.

"Please can you come, i promise i will stick with you, no frat boys just us," she begged

"I don't care about any of that, i just need to study," you said

"Im getting really influenced by mike, i sound exactly like him," you thought

"Pleaseee, i wont leave you alone till you say yes."

You thought for a hot minute, this might be good but what is you run into Roar Omega Roar, but what if you don't? Are you willing to risk it, yes, yes you are.

"Fine," you finally gave in.

"YESSSSS, let me dress you omg you're gonna look so good," she started to rummage through piles of clothing to find the perfect "fit" for you.

You guys rocked up to the party and you were linked arms with cameron, but your grip tightened when you were at the door, this did not go unnoticed by cameron.

"Wow? Whats with this, are you ok?" she asked

"Uh yea, i'm kinda on bad terms with the ROR's since i kinda..."

"Kinda what?"

"I kinda called them egotistical idiots" you looked at cameron who was trying so... so hard to hold her laugh in.


"It's not funny i'm actually in deep shit!" you tried to sound serious but she had such a dumb laugh you ended up laughing too.

"Ok, ok... just stay with me!" she pointed her thumb to herself.

"Ok..." you whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

You entered and music was blaring throughout the house, people were dancing and drinking, you could see tons of fraternities and sororities, like PNK, JOX of course, a few of HSS and ROR, well shit.

You went on the other side of Cameron so you wouldn't be seen, she just let it be and guided us to the dance floor, another song started playing once we got on there.

"HOLY SHIT THIS IS MY FAVOURITE SONG DANCE WITH ME" She screamed and pulled you to dance with her.

You were kinda awkward at first but you soon got into it and forgot about everything. After a while of dancing you were really thirsty and she needed to go to the bathroom.

You found your way to the kitchen with a bit of trouble and searched the cabinets for the glasses, you got one then filled it with water and drank the immaculate liquid, what you didn't realize was a certain purple furred monster looking at you.

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