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During spring break you hung out with Cameron a lot, you guys had become really close, you and randy also have as well, platonically, or that's your side of the story, you guys have been studying for the upcoming semester, but you have also been doing fun stuff. Mike and you have been texting a lot and you guys hung out, he said he still was determined to become a scarer so you said you would give him notes on the classes you had, you guys went to a theme park which was really fun- with randy so its like the whole trio was there.

From the start of the morning to so on, you saw Sullivan just full on glaring at the unbothered mike, his face was really dumb and the fact that it was the only expression Sullivan had on the whole day made it 10x funnier.

You were also really upset about mike, he seemed to be fully down in the dumps today, you just hope he knew a way to get back into the scaring program, he really deserved to be a scarer since he studied day and night, unlike Sullivan.

Currently, you were having a food break with randy.

"So, about the ROR's, you joined right?" you asked randy

"Yep! Just don't tell anyone, i want it to be a surprise!"

"When are you moving in there?"

"Ah, probably at the end of today, maybe a little bit after the Greek Council closes sign ups for the scare games," Randall replied, taking another bite out of his food.

"They seem so fun, too bad i haven't got anyone to go with" you sighed

"Hey cheer up, if you really want to do it there might be a last minute sign up, but i highly doubt it."

"Yea... maybe," you said, staring off into the distance. "Hey when is the greek council even closing signups"

Randall looked over to the clock "ehh, about 30 minutes"

"Damn ok."

Half an hour went by in a flash, you guys were too caught up talking that the ROR's had to remind Randall to not be late, also to give them his brand new sweater.

"Hey, Boggs!" you both looked over to see Chet and the rest of the ROR's walking towards your table.

Johnny spoke up "just came to remind you to come to frat row for the scare games, you seem to be too caught up with your friend."

Johnny didn't even spare you a glance as you glared at him.

"Oh gee, sorry fellas your right we should go," Randy took a look at the clock and stood up.

"Mhm, we also got your sweater made and we need to give it to you!" Chet pulled out the sweater from behind him, somehow.

"Nice," Randy took it from Chet and took a good look at it before looking back at you then waving "bye [Y/N], see you later!" you waved back while johnny told randy something who he just replied in a hesitant nod.

You collected all your stuff, since you also wanted to go, then got up and went to head for frat row. On the way there you saw mike laughing and running with the scare games poster in his hand, you were glad to see his happy self again but couldn't help but wonder what he had planned.

When you got there, there was a huge crowd of people and the president and vice president of the Greek council had to push some people out of the way to get a good view of everything.

"Welcome to this year's Greek scare games kickoff" the president of the greek council, Claire wheeler, announced.

"THE SCARE GAMES! YEAH!" the vice president screamed into the mic, loved his energy 10/10.

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