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Okay you pulled up to the party where loud dance music could be heard, your team looked around nervously, taking in their surroundings. You were actually also nervous, you had a gut feeling something bad was gonna happen and you know what you did with the gut feelings you had that all seemed to be right? You ignored them!

"Do young people still dance?" Don asked, "Because my moves are a little rusty."

"Oh, we forgot to bring a hostess gift." terry exclaimed

"We can't go in there without some scented candles." Terri added.

Calm down. We earned this." Mike explained.

"What if there's a lull in the conversation? I never know what to... you know..." Squibbles stammered.


"How are you so good at this!"

"You just took on an angry 50-foot librarian, and you're afraid of a little party?" mike asked "take a deep breath... and in you go!" Mike opened the door and everyone stopped dancing to look at them, even the music stopped, harsh.

Mike nudged you and you rolled your eyes and went in front "Yo!" you waved at the monsters.

"Its Oozma Kappa!"

"These guys are crazy!"

And just like that, you guys were practically swimming in a pool made of compliments.

"What you did today was insane!"

"That was awesome!"

Mike smirked at his team, "Oozma Kappa, tonight we party like scarers!" everyone cheered.

Your team danced, you specifically danced with Carrie Williams, she was actually really fun, and scary. After a while you joined squishy and carried the team in dancing.

"I've never stayed up this late in my life!" squishy exclaimed as everyone laughed.

Squishy then spotted Sullivan leaning on a wall with a big angry frown, squishy pulled him in like he was on a rope, Sullivan rolled his eyes and smiled, following Squishies moves, he slowly made his way into the dance floor and hit his moves when the beat dropped.

You decided to take a break from dancing and enter the kitchen to get some snacks, also to text Cameron to see where she is. You got a chip and put it in your mouth and chewed on it while you opened your messages.

But before you could even type anything you heard a voice, a voice you dreaded all so much, "well, well, well isn't it the one and only [Y/N] [L/N]."

You looked up to see Johnny Worthington "deja vu, Worthington, too bad you don't have anything of mine you can break this time."

"Oh you're still mad about that? I'll tell you what, if you guys win, ill pay you up to get a new one"

"Is there a catch?" you asked

"nope , no catch," he put out his hand for you to shake, which you reluctantly did.

"I've always wondered why you chose Oozma Kappa instead of Roar Omega Roar, why is that?"

"Well because I wanted to see your face when you lose," you replied.

"Wow there [L/N] i'm trying to be nice and this is what i get in response?" he put a hand over his heart "whatever, be prepared to feel humiliated."

You raised an eyebrow, looking deep into his purple eyes, "by what?"

He laughed "you'll see," you were about to ask more questions when Chet came in.

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