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The whole school was singing the monster's university anthem, butterflies were in your stomach because of how anxious you were, you were scarring in front of the whole school, who wouldn't be?

"Welcome! To the final competition on the scare games." Claire started as the crowd cheered.

"Its time to see how terrifying you really are, in the scare simulators!" Brock then said.

"But be warned. Each simulated scare has been set to the highest difficulty level."

"The highest level?!" squishy repeated.

"First scarers to the starting line."

Mike turned around to face you all "okay, just like we planned, ill go first, then, don-"

Sulley then cut Mike off "hold on. Mikes the one who started all this, and i think it's only right if he's the one who finishes it." Sulley turned to mike "i think you should go last."

Everyone agreed "alright don, are you ready to go first?"

"I guess i'm as ready as I'll ever be," Don replied, a little nervous.

You all put your hands in "Oozma Kappa!"

You took this time to ask Sullivan something. "Sulley come here."

He walked over to you "yea? What is it?" he asked, confused.

"What do you have planned?"

Sulley got defensive real quick... a bit too quick "huh, what are you talking about?"

"I mean with mike."

"I don't have anything planned," he responded quickly.

You raised an eyebrow while he sighed and lightly smiled "i mean it, i seriously don't have anything planned."

You relaxed a bit before gripping his shoulder "alright i'm trusting you."

He chuckled "why wouldn't you?"

The buzzer went off as don and the hideous green monster ran up to the simulators.

Your team beat roar omega Roar and don swaggered out saying something to the other monster.

Next was Terri and Terry vsing Chet.

This time you guys didn't get more, which you already assumed was gonna happen since Chet is quite scary.

Squishy was next with chip, again did not get that much since chip is scarier. Art was next with a furry dragon, the dragon kind of mess up a bit so it only had a little more over art.

"next up Rio and [L/N]!"

Finally it was your turn against Javier, you lined up next to him.

"Good luck," you looked next to you to seenJavier staring right back at you.

"Um thanks-"

"You'll need it," he snickered.

The buzzer went off and you ran up and got the file, a girl in a townhouse in Chicago scared of dogs and snakes, typical but whatever.

You opened the door and did soft growling like a dog would do with occasional hisses.

You got into a good position that would grove a good scared, you jumped up and made a loud hiss, once you got out you looked at the score to see you and Javier tied scores.

"Thanks for the luck, Javier," you winked while he irked.

"Next up! Sullivan and Boggs!"

The buzzer went up and Sulley went inside the room ad laid down in front of the bed, "don't do anything stupid Sullivan," you whispered to yourself.

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