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"This is a fraternity house?"

Sullivan asked with his stuff to an angry mike.

"It certainly is different!" you tried to act positively but failed, miserably.

The door opened to who you now knew as don "hey there, teammateys! Come on aboard!"

You all glanced at each other.

"Well, no use fighting now that you guys are on the same team! Let's not keep them waiting, shall we?" you stepped back and put your arm out so they could go in front of you.

Walked up to the door as don welcomed you "As the president of Oozma Kappa, it is my honour to welcome you to your new home."

The place was really cozy, it reminded you of a grandma's house, you really liked the vibe of it. Your now fraternities brother stood awkwardly and squishy decided to speak up "we call this room "party central.""

"Technically, we haven't actually had a party here yet." terry said

"But when we do, we'll be ready!" Terri pressed a button and a disco ball went smashing down onto the floor.

You snorted "sorry, i'm sorry." you apologised while trying to conceal a laugh.

Sullivan was studying the first time in his life, too bad it wasn't about scaring it was actually about the house, he picked up a picture frame and stared at it.

"Whoo! The hot cocoa train is coming through! whoa!" Don handed one to Terry "Next stop, you!" he stopped at mike who took one as well as you.

Mike raised his mug "I would like to start us off by-"

"So, you guys are scaring majors?" Sulley cut mike off.

Don chuckled "we were! None of us lasted very long." he handed a hot cocoa to Sullivan "i guess we weren't just what old hardscrabble was looking for." Don then remembered he hadn't introduced himself to Sullivan "Don Carlton, mature student." he handed a card to him "thirty years in the textile industry and then old dandy don got downsized, figured i could throw myself a pity party, or go back to school and learn the computers." he then sat down.

"Hello. Im Terry with a "Y"" terry said and his brother budged in

"And I'm Terri with an "I"! I'm a dance major!"

Terry chuckled "and i'm not" he ended with a done with this shit face.

"Five six seven eight!!" Terri started scatting "Seven, eight, turn! And tu... Why didn't you turn?"

"Because we never agreed to do this!"

"You said this was gonna be cool!" they started arguing with each other

"No one said this was gonna be cool."

"Now i'm embarrassed," Terri facepalmed.

"Now you're embarrassed?"

"Yes because it's in front of people!"

"You should wake up embarrassed"

"Hey, hey, hey!" a monster that looked like a purple rainbow exclaimed. "I'm art! New age philosophy major. Excited to live with you and laugh with you, and cry with you."

You slowly nodded your head with a slight smile, there people were an actual different breed.

"Thought you might like to keep a dream journal." Art gave all three of you a dream journal with a unicorn on it and your name is golden glitter glue.

"Aha... thanks" you placed the book in your lap.

"Guess that leaves me."

"Ah!" Sullivan and Mike jumped when squishy suddenly appeared behind them.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍 | Johnny WorthingtonWhere stories live. Discover now