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Archie jumped out the window and mike and Sullivan ran out the room to get it, you got your skateboard so it will be faster then went out soon after then, Sullivan ran out, then you, then mike got hit by the door which you cringed at but regained his composure and ran after it.

Sullivan was laughing and mike was freaking out and you were focused, mike then jumped on the pig and Sullivan called out "ride it to frat row!"

You guys ran through a group of girls listening to a guy singing, you decided it would be a good time to use your skateboard to catch up to mike since your stamina absolutely sucks so you jumped on it and "tried" to dodge everyone, you eventually passed Sullivan and caught up with mike, you be tried to take the hat out of Archie but Archie swerved and you looked up to see 's frat house and you got off your skateboard to run up the stair.

Mike bashed through the door with you being right on his tail, you could hear music blaring and it was absolute chaos, mike jumped over a ping pong table, then you did, then Sullivan did breaking it and it honestly make you laugh.

Mike then hit randy and thank god he didn't see you cause that would have been bad, then mike went through the backyard and a ball hit him off, Sullivan ran to follow Archie and you got the ball and looked for a way to stop the pig, you saw the bike rack and then the bin.

"Mike go get the pig," you shouted as you got a ball and through it at the bike rack which made the bin roll and Archie ran right into it. Mike got the pig out of the bin and took his hat.

Sullivan lifted Archie and mike "Fear techs mascot! MU rules!"

Everyone cheered "MU" as they changed the fear tech logo to the monsters university logo.

The JTC president spoke up "did you see him catch that pig? You are Jaws Theta Chi material freshman"

Mike thought they were talking about him so he said thank you which obviously he had a reason to, he did catch the pig but you knew he was talking about Sullivan since he is "scarier"

"oh , thanks i don't know..." mike got cut of by the OH president

"No, no no. he's an omega howl guy."

Mike realised and his smile faded, you just scoffed to see Sullivan taking all the credit.

"Just when I thought he was fun."

"Back off. We saw him first."

"No way we did!"

The two bickered until you heard another voice.

"I'll take it from here gentlemen." the two backed away to look at the person talking and lord have mercy... you know what i'm thinking.

"Johnny Worthington, president of Roar Omega Roar." he said and Jesus christ you didn't know how down bad you were until you saw this man, he took his hand out for Sullivan to shake "what's your name big blue?"

"Jimmy Sullivan. Friends call me Sulley."

"This guys a Sullivan? Like the famous Sullivan? I cant believe it, that is crazy!" the crab monster started to have a giant freak out about how he was so shocked and started laughing.

"damn calm down 💀" you thought

"Chet calm down" Worthington said

"Im sorry :(" Chet sighed but then started smiling again

"Sulley, any freshman with the guys to pull off a stunt like that has got "future scarer" written all over him.

You decided to speak up about the "stunt" like what stunt you would not have the pig if not for mike. "Hey what stunt, mike literally did all the work?"

"Yea did you see me ride the pig? that took guts." mike added.

"Slow down, squirt. This party is for scare students only."

"Ph, sorry killer, but you might wanna hang out with someone a little more your speed. Uh... they look fun!"

He pointed to Oozma Kappa trying to get people to join, "go crazy" he finished

He got up and looked at you "Oh the stunt he pulled off? He stole the pig, all the little beachball did was ride it, plus he didn't really get it, you were the one that stopped it am i wrong?"

Bro really just insulted your friend and then left, you aint gonna let that slide.

"Is that a joke?" mike asked as johnny groaned

"Sulley, talk to your friend."

"Oh, hes not really my friend, but sure, '' sulley sighed "you heard him. This is a party for scare students. She could come in but you can't" he glanced to you and you crossed your arms.

"I am a scare student" mike said

"I mean scare student who actually, you know, have a chance," the rors starters laughing

Ill give it to him hes trying not to make it as brutal as it is but still...

"My chances are just as good as yours."

"You're nit even in the same league as me"

You spoke up "please, you're not even gonna pass the final exam Sulley, didn't you tell me you weren't gonna study? I wouldn't be talking" you smirked as the ROR's eyed him.

"Exactly, just wait, hotshot. I'm gonna scare circles around you this year."

Sullivan chuckled "oh okay id like to see that."

"Oh don't you will."

Johnny turned around "hey," you looked at him "wanna come inside?"

You smiled "I was until i found out you guys were egotistical idiots, so no, bye." you waved as the ROR's irked.

As you and Mike left.

"Hey [Y/N] thanks for not going with them, you're a good friend," Mike smiled.

"Ah well gee thanks," you rubbed your arm while you got your skateboard to ride while mike walked, one thing is for sure, you were very excited to see Sullivan fail.



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