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"Hey guys! I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Alright Johnny cya."

You see, Johnny wasn't really going for a walk, he was really going to find you, to finish some "unfinished business".

Johnny went to the place where the hide and seek wa shosted, and sure enough, there you were, reading the school newspaper.

He walked up to you "isn't it a bit late to be reading the newspaper, whenever i see you, your nose is always in a book or anything similar."

You looked up at him and placed the newspaper down to stand up, "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show your face to me again, you looked a bit embarrassed in there."

"Well maybe if you weren't grinding on my dick I wouldn't have acted like that."

You both stared at each other, the tension rising by every second.

"Fuck," johnny whispered, he grabbed your hand and led you into the building.

"Are you going to the closet again? Thought you didn't want to do it there?" you teased, he didn't look at you, but you could see his eyes, they were focused.

there is smut next so if you don't want to read then go onto the next chapter 💀

He didn't go to the closet you guys were in before, but a bigger one with more space. He led you in and turned around to face you, then roughly kissed your lips, his hands trailed your body, exploring every part.

"Johnny.." you moaned while his hands made contact with your clit.

"That's right, say my name," you looked into his half-lidded eyes.

He stuck a finger into your pussy and curled it up making your back arch. He then put another in, spreading his fingers apart.

"Im gonna fuck you so good you wont be walking for the grand final."

"Bet." you breathily replied, trying your best to show no emotion, trying to lower his ego but it was no use, his fingers were hitting the right spot, you were going to hit your climax and you haven't even got the dick yet.

"Johnny i'm gonna- i'm gonna-" johnny took his fingers out and made eye contact while licking them.

Johnny smirked "you taste good, now let's take your shit off."

He pulled the clothes off you, then pulled his sweater off, he got his throbbing dick out and lined it up with your wet pussy. "Tell me when."

"You can do it whenever you want," you replied.

"Perfect," he whispered and swiftly entered you, you moaned and wrapped your legs around his waist.

"You're such a slut for me aren't you? You look so good beneath me too," he started to suck on your neck while thrusting into you gently but perfectly. "Fuck you're so tight." he groaned.

"No your just way too big-" you flew your head back as he hit your g-spot, he then started to pound into it while sucking on your sweet spot.

You both heard talking coming closer and closer, Johnny quickly covered your mouth and slowed down but that didn't stop him from whispering to you.

"You like the thrill huh? This is your thrill, try not to moan." you closed your eyes while your moans got muffled by his hand. So instead you dug your nails into his back, he didn't seem to mind though, he looked like he was enjoying it.

Johnny rubbed your clitoris, it was like a war to see who would be the first to blow the cover, Johnny was holding back his groans while you just continued to moan in his hand, not like it did much though.

Finally the talking disappeared and johnny let out a groan, "fuck you feel so good, you're going to be the end of me."

"Johnny i'm close," you breathed out while tears came out of your eyes despite trying to keep them in, but you couldn't help it, it felt too good.

"Shit... me too," Johnny groaned back.

Your walls clenched around his dick as thick, warm semen showered onto it. Johnny gripped your hips and rammed into you while cursing and praising you, then he pulled out and came on your stomach.

Johnny fell next to you staring deep into your eyes before kissing you one last time. He then got up and started to clean you up.

"I cant feel my fucking legs," you whispered while he chuckled.

"I told you," he smiled and put your clothes on for you, trying not to get seed on it, though some managed to. He then put his sweater on.

Johnny turned to see you struggling to keep your eyes open "sleep, i'll take you back to your frat house."

And like that you felt Johnny's hands pick you up while you slowly fell asleep.

Johnny walked up to your frat house and climbed up to your room's window, but that was only a guess, he didn't see anyone sleeping in there so he just assumed it was. He opened the window up and placed the blankets over you.

Johnny then quickly left before anyone could notice he was there.



Writing smut is literally so awkward i was staring at the screen for a hot minute not knowing what to do, this was my first time writing it so i hope it wasn't too bad.



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