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"Wazowski, Room 319 and [L/N], Room 311"

You and mike borth took your keys

"You know, Wazowski, your roommate is a scaring major too," Mike gasps and smiles like a little kid, its honestly so cute but you werent gonna ever say that out loud.

"Hello , im your roommate, oh, thats too bland."

"Mike dont force it just let it happen," you laughed

"Your right, my lifelong best friend is right behind this door," he exhaled slowly then opened the door to reveal a lizard like monster, he gasped and you just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Hey there. Im your roomie. Name's Randy Boggs. Scaring major." The chameleon gecko said, he had big glasses and he looked like a nerd which you thought was cute, and AGAIN you would never say that out-loud.

Mike stammered "Mike Wazowski, scaring major.

Randy then looked up at you "oh uh i'm [Y/N] [L/N] believe it or not i'm also a scaring major!" you smiled trying to match their energy as you shake his hand.

"I can tell we're going to be best chums," Randy smiled at the both of you "Mike, you can take whichever bed you want, i wanted you to have first dibs."

"Ok i really hope my roommate is just as good as him," [Y/N] thought

Randy let out a yelp as someone dropped their stuff and he disappeared.

Mike gasped "You just disappeared."

Randy then reappeared "Sorry. If i do that in scaring class, i'll be a joke."

You spoke up "Oh nah its so cool! You definitely need to use it," you encouraged.

"I agree!," mike nodded.

"Really?" he smiled

"Yeah, but lose the glasses, they give it away"

"Huh," randy said as he took off his glasses and adjusted his eyes.

"Alright Mike, Randy i've got to go to my dorm," you said "it was nice meeting you," you smiled at Randy as he nods.

"Oh right bye [Y/N]!" mike bid

"Yea bye!" Randy said shortly after

You waved them goodbye then went to a door that said 311, you twisted the key and to your surprise, you found no one.

"Maybe they are late?" you thought.

You decided to not worry about it and picked the side of your room, which was the left side and you started to set things up. You placed your skateboard so it leaned on your bed and put up posters on the wall. You got out some perfume and placed it on your desk as well as some pencils and of course your schedule and calendar. Now that you were finally set you fell onto your bed and tried to relax.


"God fucking dammit!" someone said as they quite literally had a full blown fight with their bags.

"um , hi?" you said to the mysterious girl, she had bull horns, cow ears, bat-like wings and a tail like a cheetah. Looking at her she was actually quite pretty, let's just hope she's not a bitch.

"Hm, OH hey cutie! My name is Cameron Cian, it's nice to meet you," she smiled as you felt your cheeks heat up from the compliment.

"[Y/N] [L/N] i major in scaring what about you," you asked trying to make small talk.

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