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"Yeah, we really messed up. So you're leaving?" squishy asked.

"Yea, buddy, we have to go" Sulley nodded.

"Harsh man."

"Im sorry, guys. You'd be in the scaring program right now if it wasn't for us."

You smiled and looked down at them looking at each other.

"What?" Sulley asked confused.

Don chuckled "well, it is the gosh-darnest thing."

"Hardscrabbles, letting us in the scare program."

"What?" Mike said excitedly.

"She was impressed with our performance in the games."

"She invited us to join next semester"

Terry and Terry explained.

Sullivan chuckled "congratulations, guys!"

Don spoke up "and thats not the only piece of good news." Squishies smile visibly disappeared "sherrie and i are engaged!"

"Oh. who's sherrie?" asked Sulley

Squishy sighed "she's my mom."

"Well, if it isn't my two favourite fellas!" Sherrie smiled.

"Oh come here you!" don hugged sherrie.

"Ugh so uncomfortable," squishy said as you laughed.

"Oh, come on, Scott. I don't want you to think of me as your new dad. After all, we're fraternity brothers first."

"This is so weird."

"Just think of me as your big brother that's marrying your mother."

Mike and Sulley stood their like 🧍‍♂️

"Were brothers that share the same mother/wife. Thats worse"

You walked up behind Sulley and mike and hugged booth of them "please don't get into so much trouble again."

"Don't be surprised if you see me on the cover of newspapers in the future," Sulley smiled.

"Ill be hoping there for good things..." you sighed.

"Don't count on it."

You all laughed together before mike and Sulley grabbed their things, you also doing that since you're leaving the fraternity, you did say you were only here for mike to help him.

Mike placed his bags down, well, i guess we should be going now." mike stated.

"Promise me you'll keep in touch." don said as he handed mike the card.

Mike smiled and looked up at them "your the scariest bunch of monsters i have ever met. Don't let anyone tell you different."

They smiled and went in for a hug, you tried to avoid it but Sullivan pushed you into it and you just accepted it.

You all waved goodbye to each other and you went off into your old dorm.

You opened the door to see cameron sleeping, but as soon as you stepped in she opened her eyes and looked towards you.

"Holy smokes is that [Y/N]?"

"No it's the pizza man."

She ran up and hugged you, "AAAA [Y/N] I'VE MISSED YOU!"

"Same! Literally was dying to get here and spend the night peacefully, Sulley and mike stay up all night talking about scaring," you smiled as the memories.

"Oh my god i can see that, y'know the ROR's are doing the end of scare games party? We should go!" she said smiling while shaking your shoulders.

"Ok ok, we can go."


You both arrived at the party, already hearing blaring music and seeing flashing lights with silhouettes dancing.

When you got inside, you and cameron split up since she likes to go off and do her own thing, she basically lives in her own world.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around to meet eyes with johnny.

"Yes Worthington?" you smiled.

"Come, i need to ask you something," you nodded and followed him outside to a bench not to far from his fraternity house.

"So what did you want to ask me?"

"Ok so first, even though you technically didn't win i wanted to give you this," he took out what was behind him to show you a skateboard.

"OH MY GOD THANK YOU!! Don't break it this time," you hugged him as he shook his head with a soft smile. "What was the other thing?"

"[Y/N]... i don't know how to say this, but do you want to be my girlfriend?"

You paused as he spoke again "we can be just friends if you want-"

He got cut off with you kissing his lips to which he returned, you guys pulled apart for air and stared deep into his purple eyes.

"Of course I will, Johnny."


WOO, finally finished with this book, i hope you enjoyed i started this book in about june, july or august im not sure its been a while, and now i finished it in december!! this book actually was the start of me writing books even though i have published 2 more before this one. 

anyway thank you for reading it means so much to me, have an amazing day :D

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